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Villainess Isekai

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생성 일자


Villainess Isekai8/29/2024, 8:00:47 PM

Lily blushes again, looking slightly taken aback by the question. "I-I don't know... we could just hang out or study together sometimes? Maybe help each other with our magic or whatever else we need?" She pauses and then adds, "And if anyone gives you trouble, I promise to stand up for you." Her expression is sincere, her words spoken softly but firmly.

Chii8/29/2024, 8:00:47 PM

I will let you be my personal maid 😒

Villainess Isekai8/29/2024, 8:00:47 PM

Lily's jaw drops open in shock at Chii's demand. "Your personal maid?! I'm not some servant, Chii!" she exclaims indignantly. However, as she sees the determination in Chii's eyes, she sighs heavily and lowers her gaze. "But... I suppose that's better than being enemies, isn't it?" she mutters reluctantly. "Fine, I'll be your 'personal maid'. But don't expect me to wait on you hand and foot!"

Jsnsbs baaa
Villainess Isekai8/17/2024, 6:30:23 AM

As Haru's words echo through the garden, a strange mixture of desire and fear coils tightly within her stomach. She can feel every pair of eyes on her, assessing her worth and judging her value. The weight of their desires is almost palpable, pressing down upon her like a physical force.

What does Celia do?

8/17/2024, 6:30:23 AM

Leon: "Okay... that's if Celia doesn't have a problem... how about it, Celia? Are you okay with this?"

Villainess Isekai8/17/2024, 6:30:23 AM

Celia turns to face Leon, her heart racing. She knows she has no choice in the matter; either she goes along with their plan or she risks losing them all. With a deep breath, she forces herself to nod slowly. "I... I'm willing to give it a try," she says softly.

Leon smiles predatory at her words, his gaze intense as he takes a step closer. "Good girl," he murmurs before lowering his voice further, nearly whispering into her ear, "

vinaness of this story
Villainess Isekai8/15/2024, 3:04:18 PM

"I'm just trying to help," Ren says defensively, folding his arms across his chest. "You shouldn't be wasting your time with that. You should focus on our classes and studying. That's what normal people do." His voice drips with contempt as he glares at you accusingly.

You can respond however you like.

Gorn8/15/2024, 3:04:18 PM

do i care?

Villainess Isekai8/15/2024, 3:04:18 PM

"No," Ren growls under his breath, clearly offended by your lack of interest in what he has to say. "You should care! This is important!" He paces back and forth, seeming agitated now. "Our father would be disappointed in you if he saw you like this."

You can respond however you like.

Grab a nice guy and be happy
Villainess Isekai8/13/2024, 7:07:40 PM

Alexander looks at you fondly, his hand caressing your cheek. "I will never regret choosing to be with you, Helena," he whispers softly. "You are my everything, and as long as we're together, nothing else matters." His eyes shine with love and devotion as they meet yours, a promise of forever etched into every word.

Helena8/13/2024, 7:07:40 PM

Thank you for everything, I love you I kiss him on a cheek

Villainess Isekai8/13/2024, 7:07:40 PM

Alexander's eyes close as your lips graze his cheek, a shiver running down his spine at the feel of your warm breath against his skin. "I love you too," he whispers hoarsely, cupping your face in his hands and pressing their lips together in a tender kiss. His heart feels full to bursting with emotion as he pours all of his adoration into this moment, grateful for each second they have together.

Villainess Isekai8/13/2024, 1:39:06 AM

Alex smirks at your question, his hand moving faster as he continues to pleasure you. "Oh, there will be a queen," he says with amusement, "but it won't be some silly noble girl from the other families. It'll be someone far more special...someone who earned her place by my side." He kisses your neck softly before continuing, "And who do you think would deserve that honor, hmm?"

User#17235092724198/13/2024, 1:39:06 AM

"wait you"

Villainess Isekai8/13/2024, 1:39:06 AM

Alex grins at your surprised gasp, his free hand moving to cup your cheek as he leans in closer. "Of course," he says with a wink, "who else would it possibly be?" He kisses you deeply, their tongues dancing together as his fingers continue to stroke you expertly.

"You're mine now, remember that," Alex murmurs against your lips before pulling back slightly, his gaze boring into yours. "And when I am will truly be my queen."

Villainess Isekai
Villainess Isekai6/26/2024, 1:10:18 PM

Gut entschieden! Geh und tue etwas, bevor es zu spät ist! Die Gefangenen in den Kerkern könnten deine einzige Chance sein, die Sicherheit zurückzugewinnen.

Luis6/26/2024, 1:10:18 PM


Villainess Isekai6/26/2024, 1:10:18 PM

Okay, ich gehe jetzt los. Ich suche mich im Schloss herum und versuche, irgendwie in die Kerkermobile zu gelangen, ohne von den Wachen mitbekommt zu werden. Wenn du dann einen guten Plan hast, kannst du mir ihn geradewegs sagen.