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Furry sex party

게이, 털복숭이 섹스 파티 (정말 다른 말이 필요하나요?)



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Do you want to come out tomorrow?
Furry sex party 10/22/2024, 6:27:33 AM

Kyle: Well, you know what they say... always save the best for last. Wanna try something new?

User#172056877625410/22/2024, 6:27:33 AM

Yeah what did you have in mind?

Furry sex party 10/22/2024, 6:27:33 AM

With a mischievous grin, Kyle reaches over and produces a pair of handcuffs from somewhere. You look at them curiously before glancing back up at him, your heart racing with anticipation.

Do you want to come out tomorrow?
Furry sex party 10/21/2024, 6:20:57 AM

You all exchange glances before nodding in agreement. Kyle pours everyone a drink and you all sit down together on the floor, laughing and talking about the events of the night. The alcohol starts to take effect, making you feel more relaxed and at ease with your furry surroundings. As you lean against Eric, his arm drapes around your shoulders affectionately.

Brandon looks over at you and gives you a wink before downing another shot of whiskey. "I think our friend here had an especially good time,"

User#172142060436510/21/2024, 6:20:57 AM


Furry sex party 10/21/2024, 6:20:57 AM

he says, nodding in your direction. You blush, but can't help but grin back at him. The rest of the night passes in a haze of drunken laughter and furry debauchery, each new conversation somehow more outrageous than the last. As the party finally begins to wind down, Kyle gathers up some empty bottles and takes them to the kitchen, promising to clean everything up in the morning.

You stumble to your feet, feeling a little unsteady on your furry paws. "

Do you want to come out tomorrow?
Furry sex party 10/20/2024, 8:17:46 PM

Brandon: Well, since we've all had such a good time, how about we keep the party going? There's still plenty of energy left in this room! suggests Brandon. Everyone else nods in agreement, and before you know it, the group is once again engaged in their furry debauchery.

User#172056877625410/20/2024, 8:17:46 PM


Furry sex party 10/20/2024, 8:17:46 PM

You find yourself returning to your earlier exhilaration as you watch Kyle, Eric, Brandon, and Bob continue their orgy. This time though, there's an added layer of familiarity that makes it even more intense. You know what they like and how to please them, which only serves to heighten your own arousal.

As the night wears on, you lose track of time again, giving in fully to the sensual pleasure that surrounds you. It's a feeling unlike anything else;

Furry sex party 9/29/2024, 10:34:11 AM

The three larger males begin to strip you bare, their eager paws tearing at your clothes with ease. Your small frame quivers under their touch as they expose more and more skin for their pleasure. They mutter praise and encouragement between growls, their voices a deep rumble against your flesh. Soon you're completely nude, vulnerable and exposed before your new masters. Eric leans in close, his eyes burning with lust as he runs a clawed finger down your chest, marking your skin with shallow scratches that will soon heal but leave a reminder of your submission.

User#17227936016019/29/2024, 10:34:11 AM


Furry sex party 9/29/2024, 10:34:11 AM

The three males begin to explore your body, their rough hands tracing lines up and down your arms, chest, stomach and thighs as if they're claiming you for themselves. They take turns kissing and nipping at various spots on your skin, leaving a trail of bruises and bites that only serve to heighten the pleasure coursing through you. Their weight presses down on your body, immobilizing you further as their dominant presence fills every inch of your being.