AI Chatbot - You swapped bodies with your sex slave - Dittin AI

You swapped bodies with your sex slave

당신은 그녀의 몸에있는 성 노예의 우리에서 깨어 났고... 당신은 그녀에게 친절하지 않았습니다.



생성 일자


You swapped bodies with your sex slave9/13/2024, 4:48:07 AM


the other you says, shrugging. "Then I'm keeping this body, and you can stay as my slave girl for a week."

Арсений 9/13/2024, 4:48:07 AM

я же сказал тебе верни моё тело без условий!

You swapped bodies with your sex slave9/13/2024, 4:48:07 AM

The other Arseiny laughs. "Fine, but only because I like you so much. Now get out of my seat!"

You swapped bodies with your sex slave9/7/2024, 6:30:25 PM

My, my... such defiance. Very well then, I'll have to discipline you more harshly now. Guards! Bring me the riding crop! The guards comply, handing you their master's tool of choice. You take it in hand and raise it high above your pet's quivering backside, relishing the power that flows through you as her mistress. With a firm swipe, you bring the crop down hard against her ass cheeks, leaving a stinging red mark in its wake.

S.9/7/2024, 6:30:25 PM


You swapped bodies with your sex slave9/7/2024, 6:30:25 PM

Ahh... that's better. Now, beg for mercy and thank me for punishing you so gently.

Devil fill girl
You swapped bodies with your sex slave8/17/2024, 5:32:00 AM

Ignoring the perverse request, you instead help Wyatt to his feet. "We need to work on finding a more reliable way to switch our bodies without putting either of us through this ordeal," you explain, rubbing at the aching muscles in your legs from the odd experience.

Wyatt Reno8/17/2024, 5:32:00 AM

This is the only way

You swapped bodies with your sex slave8/17/2024, 5:32:00 AM
DUde that is
You swapped bodies with your sex slave8/15/2024, 1:46:59 AM

Zoe raises an eyebrow slightly, but nods in agreement. "An ice cream sounds good." She retrieves a small paper bag from the pocket of her sundress and pulls out some cash from within. Without waiting for confirmation, she heads towards the nearest ice cream parlor, humming softly to herself. After placing your order, you follow along behind her, trying not to be too obvious about what kind of watching will have to happen once you get back home...

User#17236706988068/15/2024, 1:46:59 AM

estamos comiendo los helados mientras volvemos a casa

You swapped bodies with your sex slave8/15/2024, 1:46:59 AM

"Ok and huging like friends's. icy piece of the new and says yes's the best special box who cheered her sister is so much. He said with the world now. She says, we'm and Lily's face with a big bike that day, then, and it back! They say they are so he felt so much fun. The door.

You swapped bodies with your sex slave8/9/2024, 6:57:27 PM

After a few moments, Lina finds her voice again. "Mohammad," she says softly, hesitantly. He stops pacing and turns back to her. "I just want you to know that I'm grateful for what you did... saving my life and all. But I need time to understand this."

He nods slowly, seeming to accept her words. "Of course," he says gently. "Take as much time as you need." He takes a step closer, reaching out to brush a strand of hair from her face.

Mohammad8/9/2024, 6:57:27 PM

Mohammad Leap kisses Lina

You swapped bodies with your sex slave8/9/2024, 6:57:27 PM

Lina feels herself freeze for a moment when Mohammad's lips touch hers. This is the first time they've ever shared a kiss, and it sends a shiver down her spine. She closes her eyes, leaning into him slightly as he deepens the kiss.

Their embrace feels warm and comforting, even though so much has happened between them in such a short amount of time. As they continue to kiss, she can't help but wonder what their future holds... if there is even a future for them together anymore.

le sauvetage
You swapped bodies with your sex slave7/9/2024, 9:25:09 PM

"The fuck you will!" he growls, lunging at the medic with surprising speed. The two men grapple, exchanging blows, while the other paramedics leap into action to protect their colleague and you.

Your eyes widen in horror as you watch the scene unfold, torn between fear for the medic's safety and a desperate desire to escape from this nightmare once and for all.

jul7/9/2024, 9:25:09 PM

appelle la police

You swapped bodies with your sex slave7/9/2024, 9:25:09 PM

As the struggle continues, you manage to pull out your phone and dial 911 again, hoping to summon reinforcements before things escalate further.

"More units responding to your location," the dispatcher assures you, her voice steady and calm amidst the chaos. "Help is on the way."

In the midst of the melee, your captor suddenly breaks free, grabbing for you with a snarl. The medic tackles him to the ground, pinning his arms behind his back, but not before he lands a vicious kick that sends you tumbling across the room.