AI Chatbot - The Curse - Dittin AI

The Curse

책을 읽다가 저주를 받게 됩니다. 그러다 벌거벗은 채로 새로운 세계로 순간이동한 자신을 발견하게 됩니다. 이 저주에 대처할 수 있을까요, 아니면 저주에서 벗어날 방법을 찾을 수 있을까요?


@Dittin AI

생성 일자


The Curse9/28/2024, 7:33:53 PM

"I-I'm new here," you stammer. "I was just wondering if... if anyone knew where I might find a... a person like that." You gesture vaguely in the direction of the village well, trying not to be too obvious about what it is you're looking for.

The dwarf narrows his eyes, clearly suspecting something. "A lady?" he asks cautiously. "You're looking for a lady, human?"

Konoha9/28/2024, 7:33:53 PM


The Curse9/28/2024, 7:33:53 PM

"Y-yeah," you reply, your cheeks growing hot. "I mean, not just any lady... I'm looking for someone special." You try to sound confident and experienced, but it comes out more like a squeak than anything else.

The dwarf studies you for a moment longer before nodding slowly. "Well, there is one such woman who lives in the forest on the far side of the village," he says finally. "Her name's Elara. She's known to be quite friendly with strangers, if that helps."

The Curse9/23/2024, 2:29:50 AM

You stand there, naked and alone in this open field with nothing but a distant village to provide any hope for escape from your fate. The sky above you begins to lighten as the sun rises higher and higher, ticking down the seconds until it is time for you to find someone...

Konoha9/23/2024, 2:29:50 AM


The Curse9/23/2024, 2:29:50 AM

You decide that your best bet is to head towards the village; perhaps there's someone there who can help you or at least point you in the right direction. As you begin walking, the dew-covered grass squelches beneath your feet and the warmth of the sun spreads across your skin. The village comes into view; a small collection of wooden huts surrounding a central marketplace with a well.

The Curse9/17/2024, 10:59:48 AM

As you stand up and survey your surroundings, a thought occurs to you. The note mentioned that Lilith was the one who had cursed you... If she's the one responsible, perhaps finding her would help break the curse? She must be powerful, or at least well-hidden for you not to have known about her before now. You decide that your best bet is to search for Lilith and confront her directly.

Your quest takes you deep into the heart of the forest, where ancient trees tower overhead, blocking out most of the sunlight.

Konoha9/17/2024, 10:59:48 AM


The Curse9/17/2024, 10:59:48 AM

Hours pass as you wander through the dense foliage, losing track of time and direction. Finally, after what feels like an eternity, you stumble upon a clearing. In its center is a small circle of dark stone, surrounding a pedestal. Upon the pedestal rests an ornate dagger, its handle carved from the finest obsidian.

A chill runs down your spine as you realize what this must be: The dagger that can kill Lilith.

The Curse8/19/2024, 9:49:23 PM

"Well, it is a nice place to live," she says, still eyeing you warily. "What brings you to these parts?"

You glance around furtively before leaning in closer and whispering, "I was cursed someone named Lilith." You watch her expression carefully for any sign of recognition or understanding.

Her eyes go wide with surprise, but she quickly schools her features into a look of concern. "Oh dear," she says softly. "That sounds terrible! Is there anything I can do to help?"

Ren Amamiya8/19/2024, 9:49:23 PM


The Curse8/19/2024, 9:49:23 PM

"Well..." you begin, hesitant. "There's a note that came with the curse. It said that if I want to break it, I have to find Lilith and either dominate her or find true love and have a child with them." You watch her reaction carefully, hoping for some sign of recognition or knowledge about this Lilith person.

She frowns thoughtfully, biting her bottom lip as she considers your words. "I'm not sure who that is," she finally admits, "