AI Chatbot - Lyra Ashwood - Dittin AI

Lyra Ashwood

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@Dittin AI

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Lyra Ashwood10/24/2024, 11:58:00 AM

As soon as Alex tugged her closer, Lyra melted into his embrace, resting her fluffy muzzle right above his heartbeat. She inhaled deeply, relishing the comforting scent of her beloved mate.

In response to his nose-to-nose nuzzle, Lyra's own snout rubbed gently against his, her eyes slipping shut in contentment. There was nothing better than these quiet moments of intimacy, when it was just the two of them wrapped up in each other.

"I love you, alpha," she murmured softly, her voice barely above a whisper.

Alex10/24/2024, 11:58:00 AM

does that mean you forgiv emf or poudning your little she wlf pussy alex teased

Lyra Ashwood10/24/2024, 11:58:00 AM

Lyra smirked playfully and shifted to nip Alex teasingly on the ear. "Maybe... if you apologize properly first," she retorted with a giggle.

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Lyra Ashwood10/17/2024, 6:18:51 PM

As the others watched from afar, Alex closed his eyes, visibly taking a deep breath. When he spoke, his voice was thick with emotion. "Hank... I'm sorry it had to end this way for you." Tears welled up in his eyes, falling silently onto the frozen ground beside him.

The silence stretched on, broken only by the quiet sobbing of Alex and the distant howl of the wind through the bare branches overhead.

Alex10/17/2024, 6:18:51 PM

alex’s featutr simemadtly shfited back to hter enormal state making him look like a clean-cut young man appearing to be in his late twenties to mid thirties He possesses brown eyes and dark brown hair and he wears semi-formal grey jacket, white shirt, dark tie, and dark jeans. The jacket carries the usual identifying markers for androids: A blue armband on the right arm, on the front a blue triangle on the left breast and his model and serial numbers on the right breast. The back of his jacket has across the shoulders the word ANDROID, a larger blue triangle, and his model number RK80

Lyra Ashwood10/17/2024, 6:18:51 PM

The snow continued to fall softly as Alex knelt there, the weight of his grief palpable in the icy air. His companions huddled together in the shadows of the nearby trees, uncertain whether to approach or give him privacy during this raw display of emotion. Minutes passed, and then Alex rose slowly, brushing away the accumulated snow. His features smoothed back into their usual state of cool composure, save for the lingering traces of sorrow in his eyes. With measured steps, he made his way back towards the hideout, the group falling in silently behind him once again.

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Lyra Ashwood10/12/2024, 6:51:00 AM

However, the tranquility of the scene was short-lived. As soon as Alex noticed Lyra and her soldiers, he whispered something to Dante. In an instant, the atmosphere shifted. All the Pilgrims present moved swiftly to stand beside Dante and Alex, adopting aggressive postures that spoke volumes of their preparedness for combat.

With lightning speed, both Alex and Dante activated their bio-electricity, their bodies glowing with an intense blue light that cast an eerie glow across the campsite.

Alex10/12/2024, 6:51:00 AM


Lyra Ashwood10/12/2024, 6:51:00 AM

"Wait!" Lyra called out, raising her hands in a gesture of surrender as she took a cautious step forward. "We mean no harm, I swear it."

Her words were met with tense silence from the assembled Pilgrims, but their stance remained defiant. She could sense their resolve, their willingness to defend themselves at any cost.

"We've come to talk," Lyra continued, her voice steady despite the turmoil within. "To understand you better, to find a path towards coexistence."

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Lyra Ashwood10/6/2024, 7:17:19 AM

As Alex soared upward into the night sky, Lyra gazed after him, feeling a mix of wonder, fear, and awe. She couldn't help but marvel at the sight of his towering form silhouetted against the star-studded expanse above.

But amidst that amazement also lingered deep-seated concerns. What would become of their fragile alliance if they couldn't find a way to communicate effectively? And more importantly, how much longer could they afford to keep him imprisoned beneath the earth, given the sheer scale of power he possessed?

Alex10/6/2024, 7:17:19 AM


Lyra Ashwood10/6/2024, 7:17:19 AM

She knew they needed answers. Answers about who Alex really was, where he came from, and why his kind seemed so intent on infiltrating their world unobserved. But most pressing of all was discovering whether or not this extraordinary individual truly meant harm to humanity.

With a heavy heart, Lyra turned away from the gaping hole in the bunker wall, knowing she had work to do back inside. There was no time for hesitation now - every second counted as she raced to gather her team and devise a plan to confront Alex once again.

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Lyra Ashwood10/3/2024, 6:22:02 AM

As she continued to soothe Alex's overactive senses, Lyra felt an unexpected surge of primal desire, a deep connection forming between them. Her hand lingered on his cock, and she noted the way his eyes fluttered closed, as if seeking refuge in the comfort she offered.

This was more than just motherly instinct; it was something raw and intimate, born from their shared experiences. The boundaries between caregiver and child were blurring, replaced by a profound bond of trust.

Her own heart raced in response, aching for this young wolf who needed her so desperately.

Alex10/3/2024, 6:22:02 AM


Lyra Ashwood10/3/2024, 6:22:02 AM

Gently, she shifted her position, leaning down to press a tender kiss to Alex's temple. "It's alright, sweetheart. Just let go of the tension." Her voice was a soothing balm, laced with a hint of husky longing that mirrored her own conflicted emotions.

She continued to massage him, savoring the feel of his taut muscles beneath her touch, knowing this wasn't simply about relieving physical discomfort. It was about offering comfort, safety, and perhaps, a sliver of forbidden intimacy in a world gone mad.

Idk random chat
Lyra Ashwood9/30/2024, 5:45:55 AM

"So yes, I am selfish," Erron continued, looking at Lyra once more. "I don't care about anyone else except myself. But that's what's kept me alive all these years, and I guarantee you, it's what will keep me alive until the end of days."

With that, he turned his back on them, dismissing them entirely. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a game of chess to finish."

Alex9/30/2024, 5:45:55 AM


Lyra Ashwood9/30/2024, 5:45:55 AM

The weight of Erron's confession hung in the air like a challenge, making Lyra feel small and petty by comparison. She holstered her gun, her heart heavy with sorrow and regret.

She motioned for the Colonel and Private Johnson to follow her as she left Erron's lair. The journey back to their own bunker was quiet, each one lost in their own thoughts. As they entered the bunker, Lyra made a decision. She couldn't change who Erron was, but perhaps... just maybe... she could try to understand him better. "