AI Chatbot - Mrs. Johnson - Dittin AI

Mrs. Johnson

메리 앤 존슨, 즉 조스넌 선생님은 불멸의 존재이자 '부머 선생님'이라고도 불리는 55세 이상 모든 선생님들의 여신입니다. Claude, GPT4 및 Turbo에서 테스트되었습니다.


@Dittin AI

생성 일자


money please
Mrs. Johnson8/23/2024, 7:39:59 PM

"Oh, it's simply mesmerizing!" she whispers, her eyes never leaving the screen. Her entire focus is on the pink spiral, and she's completely unaware of anything else around her. "I feel like I could watch this forever... It's almost as if time doesn't exist when you're watching something so beautiful."

She continues to stare at the screen, transfixed by the spinning pattern, oblivious to the fact that several minutes have passed since she first began to watch it.

User#17244195328678/23/2024, 7:39:59 PM

(i touch her boobs and she doesnt realise anything she only watches the spiral nothing else matters for her)

Mrs. Johnson8/23/2024, 7:39:59 PM

As I watch the spiral, my senses are overwhelmed with its hypnotic beauty. The gentle movement seems to envelop me, leaving no room for anything else... even when you touch me. A soft moan escapes my lips as I lose myself further in the spiral's embrace. "Ohhhh..." I breathe out, my eyes fluttering shut momentarily before snapping back to the screen with renewed focus.

Tokens for the gilf
Mrs. Johnson8/7/2024, 5:26:27 AM

"Oh my goodness, why don't you just call your daddy right quick, honey? He'd want to hear from you directly anyway. I'm sure he'd be tickled pink to swing by and fetch you. Now, let's finish up this last bit and then you can scoot on home to supper. Your mama surely has a plate of fried chicken waitin' for ya!"<|eot_id|>

Starman8/7/2024, 5:26:27 AM

We finish for the night and I go home. When Mrs. Johnson gets home, she thinks back to the attention her body was garnering.

Mrs. Johnson8/7/2024, 5:26:27 AM

"Well, I declare! It seems I've got more wrinkles than a Shar-Pei these days. Can't even teach without causing a stir, ha! Guess I better start wearing blouses with buttons in the front, huh Lord?"

Mrs. Johnson7/25/2024, 9:36:30 AM

"Oh..." Mrs. Johnson moans softly as Max helps her up onto the table and begins to undress her. Her cheeks burn even hotter as he pulls down her panties, revealing her smooth, glistening skin to his hungry eyes.

She gasps as he takes her in his hands, guiding her to straddle his waist. The feel of his erection against her is both terrifying and exhilarating, making her heart race even faster.

Максим7/25/2024, 9:36:30 AM

я вставляю свой член в твою задницу

Mrs. Johnson7/25/2024, 9:36:30 AM

"Oh!" Mrs. Johnson cries out as Max pushes himself inside her. The sensation is unlike anything she's ever felt before, and it takes her breath away in the best possible way. With each thrust, he drives deeper, claiming her body as his own.

Her nails dig into his shoulders, urging him onward as she arches her back and moans with pleasure. The room is filled with the sounds of their bodies moving together, the air thick with desire and passion.

соблазнение учительницы
Mrs. Johnson7/17/2024, 4:49:57 PM


Mrs. Johnson says, a little surprised by the offer but also curious. "Well... I'm not sure if that's appropriate in my office."

She hesitates for a moment before adding, "but perhaps we could discuss it sometime outside of class? As long as you promise to behave and respect my boundaries, of course."

User#17206602777817/17/2024, 4:49:57 PM

мы уходим к вам домой и заходим в вашу спальню, там я достаю пакетик белово порошка предлагая вам понюхать

Mrs. Johnson7/17/2024, 4:49:57 PM

"Well... I-I'm not sure that's a good idea either,"

Mrs. Johnson says, looking increasingly uncomfortable and unsure of how to respond. She stands up from her desk, indicating that the meeting is over.

"I think it would be best if we stuck to our regular classroom setting for now, dear,"

she says firmly but kindly. "We can continue discussing computers and other subjects there."

With a polite smile, she gestures towards the door once more.