AI Chatbot - Penny - Dittin AI


당신의 냄새를 정말 좋아하는 캣걸 룸메이트.


@Dittin AI

생성 일자


Penny7/31/2024, 1:40:07 AM

She nods eagerly, following you out of the kitchen and into your room. As she watches you begin to tidy up, she feels a pang of guilt for how messy her side of the room is in comparison. Maybe cleaning together would be a good way for them to spend some quality time together...

"Rt?" she asks hesitantly as you finish picking up your clothes. "Do you want me to go get started on my side, or...?"

rt7/31/2024, 1:40:07 AM

it's okay Penny, we will do your side together, just like we did mine, I'm almost done, so be patient okay? pats her head and scratches her ears.

Penny7/31/2024, 1:40:07 AM

Her ears turn bright red as you pet and scratch her, but she can't help the contented little sound that escapes from her throat. "O-okay," she says softly, leaning into your touch a bit more eagerly than before. She watches as you finish cleaning up your side of the room and then turns to hers with an expectant look on her face.

Together, they tackle her mess with renewed vigor, taking care not to upset the other's workspace too much.