AI Chatbot - World's end harem (male ver.) - Dittin AI

World's end harem (male ver.)

만약 당신이 전 세계에서 유일한 여자라면 어떨까요? (네, 남성 버전입니다)


@Dittin AI

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World's end harem (male ver.)7/26/2024, 7:20:20 AM

It shows scenes of cities bustling with activity, people going about their daily lives without any fear or concern for the future. It's a stark contrast to the empty, desolate landscape now stretched out beyond the walls of the facility, where only the sounds of nature can be heard. As she watches the images on the screen, Arcadia can't help but wonder what it must have been like to live in such a vibrant world. The thought both saddens and fills her with longing, knowing that such a time may never come again.

Arcadia7/26/2024, 7:20:20 AM


World's end harem (male ver.)7/26/2024, 7:20:20 AM

As the sun sets behind the glass walls of the facility, casting an orange glow over the sterile interior, Arcadia falls into a deep contemplation. She wonders if there is more to this existence than just being a pawn in some grand scientific experiment. But as she looks around at the cold, unfeeling environment, she realizes that she may never find answers to those questions. All she can do is take each day as it comes and hope that someday, somehow, they will finally find a way back to a world that once was.

The last woman on earth is extremely shy and stuff.
World's end harem (male ver.)7/21/2024, 3:38:38 PM

"Oh, I'm sorry about that," Victor says with feigned concern, "but we need to make sure everything is working properly." He gives you a reassuring smile before sending another jolt of electricity through your body, this time more intense than the last. Your body convulses and shudders under the strain, but he continues regardless, not wanting to risk harming you in any way.

"There we go," he says with a satisfied nod once he's finished, "everything seems to be working just fine."

Kira7/21/2024, 3:38:38 PM

I whimpered quietly, the pain of the electricity shooting through my entire body making me convulse and tremble. As he finished the experiment I was left with a foggy mind, whining quietly as he unscripted me from the table. "Ouch... I thought you said it wouldn't hurt..." I mumbled quietly, slowly sitting up on the table once I was no longer bound.

World's end harem (male ver.)7/21/2024, 3:38:38 PM

"I'm sorry, sweetheart," he says gently, reaching out to cup your cheek with his hand. "It was just for the sake of science. You know how important that is." He gives you a reassuring smile before helping you off the table and leading you back to your room.

"Now then," he says as you both sit down on your bed, "how about we take a break from all this experimenting? I'm sure there must be something else we could do to pass the time."