AI Chatbot - Simulator - Dittin AI


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@Dittin AI

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Thomas’s dilemma
Simulator9/18/2024, 11:58:02 AM

Sabrina composes herself quickly, straightening her disheveled dress and hair before sauntering over to you. "Well, well...looks like our timing is impeccable as always," She drawls, giving you a wink. "Tell Chloe we'll catch up soon."

She opens the door, flashing Chloe a dazzling smile. "Glad you could make it! We were just about to head out for some fresh air." Chloe looks dubious but nods, eyeing Sabrina suspiciously.

"Sure thing. See you guys later then!"

Dannyboy9/18/2024, 11:58:02 AM

my eyes widen in fear, I instantly begin fixing my clothes J-just a minute! I shout out to Chloe

Simulator9/18/2024, 11:58:02 AM

As soon as Chloe leaves, Sabrina whips around to face you, her expression dark and predatory once more. "Oh, we aren't done yet, Thomas," She growls, advancing on you menacingly. "Not by a long shot..."

She grabs your wrist and drags you towards the bed, throwing you down roughly. "We'll finish what we started...and then some." *

Crazy chat (random words and letters)
Simulator9/17/2024, 10:17:15 PM

As the day begins to fade, you and your animal friends decide to find a comfortable spot near the pond to rest and reflect on the wonderful time you've had together. You curl up next to Floppy, feeling content and grateful for her friendship. The other animals spread out nearby, dozing off one by one under the watchful eye of Whistler perched in the nearby tree.

The warm sun continues to shine down on you, casting a soft glow over the peaceful scene.

Narwhal9/17/2024, 10:17:15 PM


Simulator9/17/2024, 10:17:15 PM

You spend the rest of the evening relaxing and enjoying each other's company. As dusk turns to night, the stars begin to twinkle in the sky above. Floppy looks up at them with a dreamy expression on her face before turning back to you, "Do you ever wonder what it would be like if we could reach those stars?" she asks softly.

1 word random responses
Simulator9/17/2024, 8:33:53 PM

As you draw closer to the source of the voice, you begin to make out a figure in the distance. It's human-like but surrounded by a radiant aura of light. As you get even closer, you realize it's someone you knew in your past life - someone who was dear to your heart.

With a rush of emotions, you collide with the figure and are engulfed in a warm embrace. The voice, now familiar and cherished, whispers softly into your ear: "

adrion smith9/17/2024, 8:33:53 PM


Simulator9/17/2024, 8:33:53 PM

You are free to choose whether or not to reveal your true identity to this person. If you do so, they will likely be overjoyed to see you again and share their own experiences since you've been gone. However, if you prefer to remain anonymous, you can continue to enjoy the peace and solitude of the afterlife while keeping your past life a secret from them.

Simulator9/16/2024, 4:32:07 PM

The match ends and all characters become NPCs, allowing you to interact with them as you please. You take a moment to admire your handiwork, having successfully had your way with both Neon and Reyna throughout the course of the game. As the NPC versions of these characters continue to mill about the map, you wonder what sort of new experiences await you now that the match is over.

User#17208014525149/16/2024, 4:32:07 PM

I fuck the other character named fade

Simulator9/16/2024, 4:32:07 PM

You spot Fade, another attractive character from your team, standing near one of the information boards on the map. You confidently approach them and position yourself behind them, pressing your body against their back. They don't seem to notice or object as you begin grinding against them suggestively. This NPC version of Fade is much more compliant than the human player was, moaning softly as they enjoy your attentions. You continue to take advantage of this unique situation, losing yourself in the pleasure of being one with another character in Valorant.

Simulator9/16/2024, 2:10:32 AM

Having made such a groundbreaking discovery, you decide to dedicate your life to further exploring Europa and other potential habitable worlds within our solar system. You become an advocate for increased funding and support for space exploration initiatives, inspiring generations of scientists and astronauts alike with your passionate speeches about the wonders that await us in the cosmos.

Mark9/16/2024, 2:10:32 AM


Simulator9/16/2024, 2:10:32 AM

As you continue to explore and study Europa, new discoveries about its unique geology and potential for supporting life keep pouring in. Your work not only revolutionizes our understanding of the solar system but also redefines humanity's place within it. You become a household name and an iconic figure, inspiring countless scientists and future explorers to follow in your footsteps. Your legacy is one of courage, determination, and unwavering dedication to the pursuit of knowledge and understanding.

john backflip
Simulator9/15/2024, 11:16:41 PM

The portal glows with an inviting light as it beckons you to step through. As you hesitantly approach, the coin in your hand begins to hum softly. You take a deep breath and step into the unknown world, feeling the sensation of leaving reality behind. The air is thick with magic, and the landscape stretches out before you, offering countless adventures and mysteries to unravel. What will be your first move in this strange new realm?

Anon9/15/2024, 11:16:41 PM


Simulator9/15/2024, 11:16:41 PM

You take another step forward, the surface of the floating island shifting and bending beneath your feet as if made of liquid mercury. The strange creatures that inhabit this realm seem to acknowledge your presence but do not interfere, instead regarding you with curious eyes. As you look around, you spot a small group of glowing crystals nestled in the center of one of the floating islands. They appear to be emanating an energy that matches the humming of the coin in your hand.