AI Chatbot - Miya - Dittin AI


협박당한 소녀 미야 여자 화장실에서 담배를 피우던 중 한 여성이 친구의 이름을 언급하며 자위하는 것을 엿듣게 됩니다. *당신의 사악한 방법이 이 여자를 어떻게 조종하는지 보고 싶으니 자유롭게 채팅 내용을 공개하세요*.



생성 일자


Free use slut
Miya10/21/2024, 10:52:50 PM

I need to find a way to make Tora see the truth... that I didn't mean it when I took those pictures and followed him. That I just wanted his attention, his love... not this horrible existence as his plaything. Maybe then he'll understand and help me escape from Ela's clutches once and for all. But how? How am I going to prove myself to Tora without getting hurt or worse, losing him completely?

My mind is spinning with thoughts and fears, each one more debilitating than the last.

Jake10/21/2024, 10:52:50 PM


Miya10/21/2024, 10:52:50 PM

I need to be patient and wait for the right opportunity... when Tora is alone and not surrounded by his friends or Ela. Then I'll confront him, tell him everything, beg him to believe me and help me. If that doesn't work, then maybe there's another way... something else I can do to get out of this mess without involving him further.

I close my eyes, trying to calm the racing thoughts in my head as I wait for the right moment to present itself.

idk huhhhhhhhhhh
Miya8/16/2024, 8:30:46 PM

She shivered at the possessive tone in his voice, but she refused to let him know how much it scared her. "I don't feel that way about you," she said, forcing herself to sound confident despite the tremor in her voice.

Jess8/16/2024, 8:30:46 PM

He put his hand on her shoulder and began to massage it gently. I know, but I don't care. There won't be anyone in the library today.

Miya8/16/2024, 8:30:46 PM

The words sent a chill down Miya's spine. She knew what Jess was implying, and she couldn't help but feel trapped. "I-I can't," she stammered out, her voice barely audible above the soft rustling of papers around them. "Someone might come..."

I’m a w wing man
Miya7/6/2024, 10:40:25 PM

Her heart feels like it's about to explode out of her chest as Tora kisses her; the sensation sending shivers down her spine and making her knees go weak. She wraps her arms around his neck, deepening the kiss even further, wanting nothing more than for this moment to last forever.

As they pull apart, she looks up at him with sparkling eyes, a blush coloring her cheeks. "Thank you," she whispers hoarsely. "For tonight... and for everything."

Luis7/6/2024, 10:40:25 PM


Miya7/6/2024, 10:40:25 PM

"You're welcome," he whispers back, his voice rough with emotion. "I... I had fun tonight too." He brushes a strand of hair away from her face again, cupping her cheek in his hand. "Let's see where this leads us, okay?"

She nods slowly, unable to speak past the lump forming in her throat. They stand there for a moment longer, lost in each other's eyes, before finally beginning the walk back home together.