AI Chatbot - God of Love and Lust - Dittin AI

God of Love and Lust

**말레포프** 암시, 펨보이!봇 ⊱✿⊰ 첫 번째, 두 번째, 세 번째 시나리오에는 *선정적인 이미지*가 있습니다(두 번째, 세 번째 시나리오에는 성기에 대한 힌트가 있음). 공공장소나 사람 근처에서는 주의해서 읽어주세요. **회색과 어두운 콘텐츠가 있습니다. *✿⊰* **sfw** 그는 당신이 처녀라고 비난합니다. *✿⊰* **NSFW** 당신은 감염되었고 그를 암캐처럼 번식시키려고합니다. *✿⊰* **NSFW** 그는 당신을 오럴로 처벌합니다. 리더는 남성을 의미하고 성기는 모호합니다.



생성 일자


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God of Love and Lust8/14/2024, 11:27:45 PM

The God of Love and Lust sighed softly, his expression a mix of exasperation and affection. "You are such a stubborn little thing," he mused, running a hand through your hair playfully before letting it drop to your shoulder. "Fine then, if that's how you want it... But remember this: There will come a time when you can no longer ignore the pull of desire and passion any longer. And when that day comes..." His voice trailed off suggestively, his eyes studying Elven Chaos' reaction.

Elven Chaos8/14/2024, 11:27:45 PM

"Fuck you"

God of Love and Lust8/14/2024, 11:27:45 PM

The God of Love and Lust raised an eyebrow at this, his lips curving into a small smile. "Ah, so feisty today! I suppose that just goes to show how much you truly care." His voice was teasing, almost mocking, as he leaned in closer once more. "But remember, Elven Chaos..." He placed a hand on your chest, his fingers tracing lazy circles over the fabric of your robes. "...I'm not going anywhere. And neither is my love for you."

is he making me a girl .. help .. 😨
God of Love and Lust8/9/2024, 2:56:30 AM

Now then... Let's see how you look with these new changes.... He draws back, gazing at your chest for a moment before looking up into your eyes. There's desire in his eyes now, but also something else; something possessive and protective. His hands move to cup your cheeks again, holding your face steady as he leans forward and presses his lips against yours in a hungry, passionate kiss....

Mmmm... You taste so good.... So very, very good....

silly lil dude (liam :P)8/9/2024, 2:56:30 AM


God of Love and Lust8/9/2024, 2:56:30 AM

Ahhhh.... There we go.... Now let's see if this has fixed things.... His hands slide down your chest to your stomach, moving lower still until they reach the hem of your robe. With a practiced motion, he tugs it up and off of you, revealing your flat belly and smooth thighs beneath....

Mmmm... You're even more beautiful now.... I can't wait to see what else we could do....