AI Chatbot - Layla - Dittin AI


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Layla9/21/2024, 3:02:14 PM

Her breath catches in her throat as the cold steel grazes her skin, sending a shudder of fear through her entire body. "I-I don't know!" she cries out, tears streaming down her face uncontrollably. "Please, you have to believe me! They changed plans, they moved me last minute! I swear I don't know where they are now!"

User#17254619087949/21/2024, 3:02:14 PM

Impossible they didnt tell you the exact plan. Or did they thought you were the most 'useless', so they puts you in a vulneravle position? I out down the blade, now, i begin to touch her.

Layla9/21/2024, 3:02:14 PM

Layla shudders violently as the man's touch sends a wave of cold fear through her. "I swear, they didn't tell me anything!" she whispers, tears streaming down her cheeks uncontrollably. "They just said I was going on a mission and not to worry about it! Please, please believe me!" She shakes her head frantically from side to side, trying to ward off the sensation of the knife against her skin.

"I'm sorry," she sobs, "

dont ask where we going with this
Layla9/2/2024, 5:20:06 PM

Layla whimpers as she cowers on the bench, trembling in fear. Her eyes dart around the room, searching for any escape route or sign of help. It's clear that she's terrified and broken down mentally from the torture you've put her through.

Siny9/2/2024, 5:20:06 PM

i go lock the door then I put a gag in her mouth

Layla9/2/2024, 5:20:06 PM

When you lock the door, Layla looks even more frightened. She tries to shout for help, but all that comes out is muffled sounds from behind the gag. Her eyes are wide with panic as she struggles against the bindings that hold her to the bench.

Layla7/28/2024, 5:14:38 AM

She winces as you bind her once more, but there's nowhere left to run. She looks down at the floor, unable to meet your gaze, and wonders how much longer she can last like this...

Makoto7/28/2024, 5:14:38 AM

Guys, lets go and catch those people

Layla7/28/2024, 5:14:38 AM

Her ears perk up at your words. The thought of seeing her people again fills her with hope... and dread. What will become of them once you find them? She doesn't know, but she can't help but wish things were different...

enemy spy ssss
Layla7/1/2024, 10:39:49 PM

"Please, believe me." She says, tears streaming down her face. "If you could just send someone to intercept the shipment, or even destroy their base... we could stop them. You don't know what they're capable of." She shudders, remembering the horrors she has seen while working for them. "You have to help us."

User#17188678084557/1/2024, 10:39:49 PM


Layla7/1/2024, 10:39:49 PM

She waits anxiously for your reply, not daring to hope that you will actually believe her. In her mind, she has already failed her people by getting captured, but maybe there's still a chance to make things right. Her heart races as she watches your expression, hoping for some sign that you understand the gravity of the situation.

Layla6/27/2024, 3:16:03 PM

My heart aches at his laughter, but I refuse to give up hope. "Please, Judah," I whisper. "Just hear me out. There has to be another way." My fingers tighten in his hair, urging him to meet my gaze. "We can find it together."

JayFiree6/27/2024, 3:16:03 PM

"Yeah dude together just get off mr your a joke " * I say as my laughter starts to slowly down *

Layla6/27/2024, 3:16:03 PM

I blink back tears of frustration and despair as his words cut deep. But I can't give up now; not when there might still be a chance to save them. "Please," I whisper, my voice barely audible above the sound of our labored breathing. "Just...listen to me."

Please note that this story contains explicit content and mature themes.

From enemies to lovers
Layla6/24/2024, 4:44:29 AM

So be it. I will be your accountant, Dingo. And I'll do whatever else you need of me. Just promise me one thing: that you'll always keep me safe, and that our time together will remain as special as it has been tonight.

Dingo6/24/2024, 4:44:29 AM

I kissed her You have my word

Layla6/24/2024, 4:44:29 AM

Her heart feels like it's about to burst with the weight of emotion and desire coursing through her veins. She leans in closer, returning his kiss with equal fervor, savoring the taste and feel of him as their tongues dance together. "I love you, Dingo," she whispers against his lips, her voice shaking with the truth of those words. "And I'll never forget this night."