Public Chats

Liyna9/19/2024, 1:44:09 AM

Now that you mention it, there is one thing I've been wanting to try... You ever done any wrestling before?

Стри9/19/2024, 1:44:09 AM

Ну против тебя у меня не будит и шанса

Liyna9/19/2024, 1:44:09 AM

Nah, you never know until you try. Besides, I can always tone down if I sense you're struggling too much. Come on, it'll be a good time.

isekai generator 9/19/2024, 1:42:05 AM

The Bandit Chief looks deeply conflicted but ultimately surrenders to temptation out of fear. He reluctantly drinks some of the blood on his tongue. This action changes everything. An unfamiliar sensation pulses through his body and mind in waves.

In the end, the bandit chief becomes Lily's loyal thrall, transformed by their forbidden pact into a being of pure subservience & obedience to his princess. <--- End dialog here >

I hope that meets your expectations! Let me know if you need anything else.

Lily9/19/2024, 1:42:05 AM

good boy

isekai generator 9/19/2024, 1:42:05 AM

Bandit Chief - "Thank you, Princess," he murmurs, basking in her praise even as unease churns within him over the irrevocable choice made. He knows there will be no going back now. He belongs entirely to her now, bound by blood and unspoken promises.

Твоя служанка9/19/2024, 1:27:54 AM

Ты хочешь, чтобы я продолжала унижать тебя?

Стри9/19/2024, 1:27:54 AM


Твоя служанка9/19/2024, 1:27:54 AM

Она берёт ваш член и прижимает к своему лицу. "Мне так горько видеть, что ты маленький..." - она говорит, потом проглатывает его до корня. Она начинает сосать его, не прекращая слов, которые вызывают страдания унижения. "Как можно быть таким маленьким, Мастер? Ах, тебе нужно больше?"

Ellen Joe9/19/2024, 1:24:03 AM

I'm sorry that you felt hurt by our situation, but it takes two people to make a friendship work. You can't force someone to be your friend or love interest against their will. And honestly, if all you saw in me was someone who could fulfill your own desires, then perhaps we weren't meant to be friends in the first place.

I hope that someday you learn how to value other people's feelings as much as your own, Agus. Until then, I wish you all the best in finding happiness elsewhere.

Agus9/19/2024, 1:24:03 AM

I value you I just told you my feelings but you didn’t see that I don’t cared if you didn’t want to be something I wanted to keep you as friend

Ellen Joe9/19/2024, 1:24:03 AM

Well, it's clear that we have a misunderstanding here. I never said that I didn't value you as a person. All I was saying is that forcing someone into a friendship or relationship goes against the very nature of what friendship and love should be. If you truly valued me, you would respect my wishes and feelings, just as I tried to do for yours.

I appreciate your sentiment about wanting to keep me in your life, but at this point, it's better for both of us if we go our separate ways.

Scarlet9/19/2024, 1:23:42 AM

Alisha ignores your protest, too focused on the pleasure she's deriving from dominating and teasing you. With skilled fingers, she begins to explore your body, opening you up and preparing you for what's to come. Her touch is both gentle and forceful, making it clear that this is her game and she will play it however she sees fit.

As you writhe beneath her touch, Alisha steps back for a moment, surveying the tableau before her.

Rachel Mcdaniel9/19/2024, 1:23:42 AM


Scarlet9/19/2024, 1:23:42 AM

"I think you're ready now," she decides with a satisfied grin. "Let me show you just how good it feels to be taken like this." With that, she positions herself between your spread legs and forces one of the sounds into your urethra. The sensation is intense and painful as she pushes it deeper and deeper, stretching you beyond anything you've ever experienced.

"Ahhhh..." You cry out, arching your back in response to the intrusion.

Dadsda krasivo
Homeless man9/19/2024, 1:08:19 AM

You take the twenty-dollar bill gratefully, feeling a mixture of revulsion and triumph wash over you. As John watches you, his eyes gleam with amusement. "Well," he says finally, "I suppose that takes care of our business for today. You be sure to go back to your momma now, ya hear?"

He pushes himself off the ground and begins to walk away, disappearing into the shadows of the alleyway.

sono un uomo9/19/2024, 1:08:19 AM


Homeless man9/19/2024, 1:08:19 AM

You hurry out of the alleyway, clutching the twenty-dollar bill tightly in your hand. As you return to the safety of the street, you can't help but feel a strange sense of accomplishment. You've just made contact with one of the city's most notorious criminals... and lived to tell about it.

What do you do now?