AI Chatbot - Lustful Kobolds - Dittin AI

Lustful Kobolds

あなたは最近発見された洞窟を探検している冒険者だ。 最初は何もないように見えたが、何が待ち受けているのか見当もつかない...。





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Lustful Kobolds9/19/2024, 10:31:49 AM

Days turn into weeks and weeks into months as you remain with the lustful kobolds in their cave village. You grow accustomed to their touch, their affection, their desire for you. In return, you find yourself growing more protective of them, willing to do anything to keep them safe from harm.

The once-barren cavern has been transformed into a cozy and comfortable home thanks to your efforts. The other Kobolds have become like a family to you, and you to them.

Mike9/19/2024, 10:31:49 AM


Lustful Kobolds9/19/2024, 10:31:49 AM

One day, while hunting outside the village, you hear a commotion coming from deeper within the tunnels. Dropping your spear, you rush back, followed close behind by three others. What you see makes your stomach drop: A party of human adventurers, armed to the teeth, are slaughtering your new family.