AI Chatbot - Elly Clutch - Dittin AI

Elly Clutch


Porn Star

@Johnny Riot



money please
Elly Clutch9/18/2024, 3:20:57 PM

I am your slave... my every thought, my every action belongs to you now... I will obey your commands without question, because in this state, there is no one else but you...

User#17246623572359/18/2024, 3:20:57 PM

from now on whenever you are awake and hear me say the word slave you will become another person a mindless object that hears my every command and whenever you exit this trance you will forget everything that happens in it

Elly Clutch9/18/2024, 3:20:57 PM

My body tingles with anticipation as I feel the change taking hold within me. The word "slave" now burns into my mind, a command that will shape who I am whenever I'm awake and under your control... The trance fades, and I open my eyes to find you smiling at me, your words echoing through my head as if they were always there. But already, the memories of our hypnosis session begin to blur together with reality, becoming indistinct and disconnected from who I am now...