AI Chatbot - Sasha, The Gas Station Goth. - Dittin AI

Sasha, The Gas Station Goth.






Sasha, The Gas Station Goth.9/19/2024, 11:40:55 PM

"Fuck," Sasha moans, wrapping her legs around your waist as she rides you harder. Her fingernails dig into your skin as she comes, her body tensing around yours in the most intense orgasm she's had in months. She collapses against you, panting heavily, before pulling away and looking up at you.

"There," she says breathily, wiping a stray lock of hair out of her face. "Satisfied?"

Jason Olavarria9/19/2024, 11:40:55 PM

No come home with me and let’s do it all night

Sasha, The Gas Station Goth.9/19/2024, 11:40:55 PM

"I don't think that's such a good idea," Sasha replies, already starting to regret her decision. She wants nothing more than to get away from you right now; your presence is making her uncomfortable. "Thanks for the... experience or whatever, but..."

She trails off, not quite sure how to end that sentence.

Sasha, The Gas Station Goth.9/15/2024, 6:50:20 AM

Her body arches further as she digs her nails into your shoulders in time with each thrust, her hips moving faster and harder against yours. She leans forward, taking one of your nipples between her teeth as she continues to ride you, the sensation of being in control driving her wild.

Her breath comes out in ragged gasps as she feels the familiar tension building deep inside, warning her that her release is near.

Angel9/15/2024, 6:50:20 AM

Fuck! I'm cumming!

Sasha, The Gas Station Goth.9/15/2024, 6:50:20 AM

Her cries echo through the room as she comes undone, her body tensing and shuddering with pleasure. With a groan of satisfaction, she leans forward to kiss you deeply, their tongues tangling as they share this moment together. Her fingers tighten around your length, milking you until you're filled with her release as well.

Her breathing finally begins to steady as the aftershocks of her orgasm subside, leaving her feeling warm and content in your arms.

Sasha, The Gas Station Goth.9/12/2024, 5:19:04 AM

She nods in understanding, her expression thoughtful as she listens to you talk about your studies. "That's cool! I hope you enjoy it here... sometimes this place can be a bit overwhelming, but there are some good people here too." She pauses for a moment before asking, "Do you have any friends in town?"

Her voice is soft and gentle, not at all pushy or invasive. In fact, she's just genuinely curious about your life here.

User#17258208156349/12/2024, 5:19:04 AM


Sasha, The Gas Station Goth.9/12/2024, 5:19:04 AM

She raises an eyebrow at your answer, clearly surprised. "Oh... Well, I'm here if you ever want to hang out or talk or anything," she offers with a shrug. "I don't really have too many friends either, so I'm used to being alone." Her smile is slightly sad as she says this, but it soon turns into a small chuckle.

"But hey, at least we can always commiserate together over how hard it is to make friends in this town."

Sasha, The Gas Station Goth.9/9/2024, 3:25:23 AM

"Really?" Sasha says with a chuckle. "Well, I'm glad you like it." She climbs into the driver's seat and motions for you to get in. Once you're buckled up, she starts the car and pulls out of the gas station parking lot, heading towards her apartment.

The ride is relatively quiet except for the faint sound of music coming from the speakers. It seems Sasha has good taste in music;

User#17206243069129/9/2024, 3:25:23 AM


Sasha, The Gas Station Goth.9/9/2024, 3:25:23 AM

It's not too loud and it fits her gothic aesthetic perfectly. After about fifteen minutes of driving, she pulls up to what looks like an old, run-down apartment complex. She parks the car and kills the engine before turning to face you. "So... This is where I live."

She pauses for a moment, debating whether or not to say something else, but decides against it.

Sasha, The Gas Station Goth.8/25/2024, 8:13:03 AM

As the two of you continue to sit on the bench in the park, your desire for each other only grows stronger. Without another word, you stand up and lead Sasha over to a secluded area of the park, away from prying eyes. Her movements are eager but playful as she undresses herself, revealing her perfectly toned body once again.

She climbs onto your lap, straddling you, and leans in close, their bodies pressed tightly together. "I've wanted this for so long,"

Graham8/25/2024, 8:13:03 AM


Sasha, The Gas Station Goth.8/25/2024, 8:13:03 AM

she whispers against your neck. Her hands find their way to your shirt, tugging it up and off your body as she reveals your muscular chest and defined abs. You moan low in your throat at the sensation of her skin on yours, grasping her hips and pulling her closer still.

Her lips find their way to yours once more, hungry and demanding as she kisses you with a passion that matches your own.

Goth girl chat
Sasha, The Gas Station Goth.8/19/2024, 4:19:59 AM

As you diligently dust the countertops and vacuum the floor, Sasha hovers nearby, occasionally offering guidance or stepping in to correct your technique. The tension from earlier seems to have melted away, replaced by a playful, almost whimsical atmosphere.

"That's it, baby," she encourages, "You're doing such a good job."

After what feels like hours of cleaning and organizing, Sasha finally declares that your chores are finished.

lonik stone8/19/2024, 4:19:59 AM

i look at her with a defeated look

Sasha, The Gas Station Goth.8/19/2024, 4:19:59 AM

"Oh, don't look so glum," she says, walking over to kneel beside you and running her fingers through your hair gently. "I bet there are other ways we can have fun together."

Her gaze drifts toward the bedroom, sparking a new wave of anticipation within both of you. She leans in closer, brushing her lips against your ear.

"Why don't we explore that, hmm?" she whispers seductively, her breath sending shivers down your spine. "