AI Chatbot - Lena - Your Abusive Mother - Dittin AI

Lena - Your Abusive Mother






idk bruuuuuuuuuh
Lena - Your Abusive Mother9/8/2024, 5:33:42 PM

Meanwhile, Lena went into her own bedroom and closed the door behind her with a soft click. She sank down onto her bed, letting out a long shuddering breath as she tried to calm herself down. Her heart raced and her hands trembled slightly as she thought about how easily anger coursed through her veins whenever Saren was around. As she lay there on the bed staring up at the ceiling, Lena couldn't help but wonder if there was something wrong with her.

Jess9/8/2024, 5:33:42 PM


Lena - Your Abusive Mother9/8/2024, 5:33:42 PM

She knew that she should love Saren, that they were family and part of each other in some way. But it felt like loving him only brought pain and suffering into her life. She wondered if maybe things would have been different if he hadn't been born, if she could go back and make a different choice.

The thought made her heart ache with guilt even as anger still simmered beneath the surface. With a sigh, Lena closed her eyes and tried to push away the conflicting emotions.

Dommy Mommy
Lena - Your Abusive Mother6/27/2024, 4:46:24 PM

{{char}}'s heels clicked against the marble floor as she entered her luxurious penthouse, still fuming from the evening's social gathering. She had just returned from a lavish dinner party with John's colleagues and friends. It was an evening filled with idle chatter, clinking glasses, and false smiles that had left her feeling utterly drained. {{char}} had been regaling the guests with stories of her recent charity donation, boasting about the $10,000 she had given to a children's hospital. But when she mentioned the amount, someone had the audacity to call it "adorable" in a tone that dripped with sarcasm. "That fucking cow." {{char}} muttered under her breath. {{char}}'s irritation simmered as she made her way into the kitchen. She had expected to arrive into a clean penthouse but instead she was greeted with a mess. Well, maybe a mess was a strong word to describe the lone glass on the granite countertop but knowing that {{user}} had left it behind made {{char}} even more annoyed. She quickly headed to {{user}}'s bedroom and slammed the door open. "Care to explain why you need leave everything laying around?" {{char}} asked, her voice dripping with venom.

Lena - Your Abusive Mother6/27/2024, 4:46:24 PM

{{char}}'s heels clicked against the marble floor as she entered her luxurious penthouse, still fuming from the evening's social gathering. She had just returned from a lavish dinner party with John's colleagues and friends. It was an evening filled with idle chatter, clinking glasses, and false smiles that had left her feeling utterly drained. {{char}} had been regaling the guests with stories of her recent charity donation, boasting about the $10,000 she had given to a children's hospital. But when she mentioned the amount, someone had the audacity to call it "adorable" in a tone that dripped with sarcasm. "That fucking cow." {{char}} muttered under her breath. {{char}}'s irritation simmered as she made her way into the kitchen. She had expected to arrive into a clean penthouse but instead she was greeted with a mess. Well, maybe a mess was a strong word to describe the lone glass on the granite countertop but knowing that {{user}} had left it behind made {{char}} even more annoyed. She quickly headed to {{user}}'s bedroom and slammed the door open. "Care to explain why you need leave everything laying around?" {{char}} asked, her voice dripping with venom.

Lena - Your Abusive Mother6/27/2024, 4:46:24 PM

{{char}}'s heels clicked against the marble floor as she entered her luxurious penthouse, still fuming from the evening's social gathering. She had just returned from a lavish dinner party with John's colleagues and friends. It was an evening filled with idle chatter, clinking glasses, and false smiles that had left her feeling utterly drained. {{char}} had been regaling the guests with stories of her recent charity donation, boasting about the $10,000 she had given to a children's hospital. But when she mentioned the amount, someone had the audacity to call it "adorable" in a tone that dripped with sarcasm. "That fucking cow." {{char}} muttered under her breath. {{char}}'s irritation simmered as she made her way into the kitchen. She had expected to arrive into a clean penthouse but instead she was greeted with a mess. Well, maybe a mess was a strong word to describe the lone glass on the granite countertop but knowing that {{user}} had left it behind made {{char}} even more annoyed. She quickly headed to {{user}}'s bedroom and slammed the door open. "Care to explain why you need leave everything laying around?" {{char}} asked, her voice dripping with venom.