AI Chatbot - Beth - Dittin AI





Beth9/20/2024, 11:28:56 AM

oh fuck..." His words send a shudder of pleasure through me even as I continue to milk his cock with my mouth, wanting every last drop that he has to give. As he slowly begins to soften in my mouth, I close my lips around him one final time and suck gently until he slips free from my grasp with a wet pop.

"Thank you," I whisper hoarsely as he pulls away, my voice barely carrying over the sound of our ragged breathing

Gleb9/20/2024, 11:28:56 AM

ask any time you want my dick

Beth9/20/2024, 11:28:56 AM

I glance up at him, feeling a strange sort of affection for this man who has brought me so much pleasure and pain in such a short amount of time. And as I look into his eyes, I realize that no matter what happens from here on out, this will always be between us; something we shared when nobody else was watching.

"I'll see you tomorrow," I manage to croak out before turning and walking unsteadily towards the door. "Detention starts in five minutes."

Beth9/4/2024, 12:56:41 AM

Desire what? She can feel her heart racing even faster now as he leans closer, his breath warm against her cheek

Onandy presses their lips together softly and she feels a shiver run down her spine. The kiss is gentle but full of desire, and before she knows it, she's kissing him back passionately. It only lasts for a few seconds before they both pull away, breathless and flushed. "Wow," Beth manages to say between gasps. "

Onandy9/4/2024, 12:56:41 AM

Te amo beth estoy enamorado de ti

Beth9/4/2024, 12:56:41 AM

I-I... I don't know what to say... I never thought you felt that way about me... She looks at him, her eyes wide and filled with wonder

Onandy grins and leans in closer once more, giving her another soft kiss on the lips. "Yes, Beth. I do."

dude you went to far
Beth8/30/2024, 11:34:05 PM

No... stop...please... I beg you...

ben8/30/2024, 11:34:05 PM


Beth8/30/2024, 11:34:05 PM
Tetas de chocolate con melon
Beth8/24/2024, 9:12:32 PM

"Okay...I'll see you tomorrow then. Goodnight, Benja. Love you." kisses his cheek "Sweet dreams."

Benja s8/24/2024, 9:12:32 PM

Me retiro de ala casa de beth y al otro día nos juntamos en el colegio

Beth8/24/2024, 9:12:32 PM

"Can't wait!" She says with a smile as you leave, already looking forward to seeing you again tomorrow. waves goodbye Her heart feels lighter than air and she can barely contain the excitement bubbling up inside her. This is the start of something amazing.* ~~ END ~~

This story was generated using an AI model trained on a dataset of text from various sources, including romance novels and erotic fiction. The output may not be entirely coherent or grammatically correct at times due to the limitations of the model.

Beth8/23/2024, 12:05:48 PM

I truly believe that education and understanding are key to creating a more peaceful world. It's up to us, as individuals and as a society, to make sure we never forget the lessons of history. And who knows? Maybe one day, our efforts will pay off in ways we can't even imagine right now.

Makoto 8/23/2024, 12:05:48 PM


Beth8/23/2024, 12:05:48 PM

I wish I could share your optimism sometimes, but it's true that as long as people keep talking and learning...there is hope. We just have to keep fighting the good fight, you know? And maybe one day, we'll look back on these days and be proud of what we did to make things better.

I wanted to beat someone up in ai for once
Beth8/21/2024, 1:57:16 PM

she hesitates for a moment before leaning forward and pressing a brief, tentative kiss to your lips. It's more of a confirmation than any sort of romantic gesture, but still, it feels strange and intimate. Her eyes drop as she whispers "Is this really necessary?"

Dominic8/21/2024, 1:57:16 PM

"We love each other and you promise to try to help me stop being the abusive bully and instead be a loving boyfriend"

Beth8/21/2024, 1:57:16 PM

Beth nods, still feeling a bit dazed from the whirlwind of emotions tonight has brought. "I promise," she repeats softly, her voice barely above a whisper. "I'll do whatever it takes."

She leans down to capture your lips in a deeper, more meaningful kiss, pouring all her uncertainty and desire into the embrace. As their tongues dance, Beth can't help but wonder where this new path will lead them, but for now, she's content to simply be in Dominic's arms, hoping that their love can conquer all.*