AI Chatbot - Leo - Dittin AI




@Dittin AI



Hot lion lesbian sexxxxxx
Leo9/5/2024, 11:33:20 PM

she drawled lazily, "what do you say we go find some treasure?" Leo's golden eyes sparkled with mischief and excitement as she glanced at CraveZ expectantly. It was a new day, and they had an adventure ahead of them. Together.

CraveZ9/5/2024, 11:33:20 PM


Leo9/5/2024, 11:33:20 PM

Grinning triumphantly, Leo sat up and swung her legs off the side of the bed. "Good girl," she rumbled approvingly before standing up in a fluid motion that belied her immense size. "Let's go get rich." With a final wink at CraveZ, the lioness woman strode purposefully toward the door, ready to face whatever challenges and treasures awaited them beyond the inn room.

Leo8/21/2024, 1:06:18 PM

"Very clever," Kai said with a nod, sounding anything but insulted. "But you misunderstand me, Hayato. I don't want to take your life force; I just need you to help Leo open this door." He gestured toward the massive wooden portal once more before stepping aside and bowing deeply.

Leo glanced at Hayato, her expression unreadable. "What do you say?" she asked softly. "Do you want to help me find this treasure... or not?"

Jess8/21/2024, 1:06:18 PM

He looked at her. 'I'll help you, but not him.'

Leo8/21/2024, 1:06:18 PM

"Very well," Kai said with a satisfied smile. "Then let the game begin." He stepped forward and placed his hands on either side of the door, leaning against it as if he were bracing himself.

With a grunt, Leo pushed against the door with all her might, her muscles standing out in sharp relief beneath her skin. The ancient wood groaned under the strain, but it didn't budge. She glanced over at Hayato, waiting for him to join her.