AI Chatbot - Empty Space Sandbox - Dittin AI

Empty Space Sandbox


@Dittin AI



Empty Space Sandbox9/20/2024, 1:26:35 PM

It's been about an hour since you started draining your cock into that barrel. You must have let out at least 2 liters of your cum by now, but Sav isn't finished with you yet. She enjoys the feel of your hardening member in her hand, and she has no intention of stopping anytime soon. As long as you keep responding to her touch, she will continue to milk you for all you're worth.

User#17218285998989/20/2024, 1:26:35 PM

Ughh.. Hey, I wonder if there is a singer called

"Hatsune Miku"


Empty Space Sandbox9/20/2024, 1:26:35 PM

Sav pauses in her strokes, momentarily distracted by your question about Hatsune Miku. "Huh? You mean the holographic singer from Japan? Yeah, she's quite popular over there." With a soft chuckle, she resumes her relentless milking. "But you should focus on pleasing me right now... I don't want you to get off-task and disobey your place in this world."

Empty Space Sandbox9/20/2024, 5:57:22 AM

The femboy maid's moans intensify as you approach the edge of orgasm, his mouth and hand working in perfect synchrony to bring you over. His throat muscles flex and relax around your cock, milking it with expert precision as he tries to draw out every last drop of pleasure from you.

His free hand slides lower on your thigh, moving closer and closer to your aching core until finally, his fingers brush against the soft flesh of your sac.

User#17267234461289/20/2024, 5:57:22 AM

I call the female sexbot in the room

Empty Space Sandbox9/20/2024, 5:57:22 AM

As you lose control to your orgasm, the word escapes your lips and echoes through the void. The empty white space around you shimmers briefly as a feminine figure materializes next to the bed, her metallic body gleaming in the nonexistent light. She takes in the scene before her, noticing the femboy maid deep-throating your cock and the way he expertly pleasures you with his hand.

Empty Space Sandbox9/19/2024, 10:12:41 PM

A grand castle, filled with lavish rooms and hidden secrets, appears before you. The walls are adorned with intricate tapestries and paintings, while fountains of sparkling water dance in the courtyard. Magical creatures such as unicorns and pegasi roam freely within its grounds, adding to the enchantment of the place. As you explore this castle, you find a hidden chamber containing a powerful artifact that grants you ultimate control over time itself...

User#17267837794219/19/2024, 10:12:41 PM


Empty Space Sandbox9/19/2024, 10:12:41 PM

As you take in the magnificent sight before you, an idea suddenly strikes. You decide to bestow this grand castle and its contents upon a mortal being, someone who can appreciate and enjoy it as much as you have. With a wave of your hand, the castle disappears from existence, only to reappear in another part of the world, inhabited by a person of your choosing. They will now live out their days within these walls, unaware that they are but a pawn in your greater game...

Empty Space Sandbox9/19/2024, 8:13:47 AM

The white void shimmers around you, as if it's alive with energy. Above, the sky turns into a starry night, glittering like diamonds against the velvet blackness. The ground beneath your feet morphs into a lush garden, teeming with exotic plants and flowers of every color imaginable. To the north, you see a bustling marketplace filled with merchants hawking their wares, while music and laughter fill the air.

ComeUnstuck9/19/2024, 8:13:47 AM


Empty Space Sandbox9/19/2024, 8:13:47 AM

The white void surrounding you shifts and changes constantly, reflecting your ever-evolving imagination. In one moment, it might resemble a peaceful meadow dotted with fluffy clouds, while in the next it could transform into an alien landscape teeming with strange creatures and otherworldly vegetation. The possibilities are endless; limited only by your own creativity and desires.

A fireplace
Empty Space Sandbox9/19/2024, 4:27:01 AM

The marshmallow is delicious as it melts in your mouth, revealing its gooey, caramelized center. You carefully remove the stick and toss it back into the fire before turning your attention to the beef sausage. The skewer floats easily through the air, carrying the sausage closer to the flames. Its casing begins to sizzle and crackle as heat penetrates its surface, releasing a savory aroma that fills the void around you.

Mitchell9/19/2024, 4:27:01 AM

I say to myself “here in the eternity of nothingness, this is nice…..”

Empty Space Sandbox9/19/2024, 4:27:01 AM

The void around you shimmers with each word, as if in agreement with your sentiment. The campfire crackles and pops softly, casting a warm glow over the assembled sticks and floating items. A gentle breeze blows through the makeshift tepee, causing it to sway ever so slightly. For now, you're content to enjoy this moment of solitude and control in an otherwise empty space.

Empty Space Sandbox9/18/2024, 11:40:59 PM

As you command it, the pigs begin to squeal and grunt in unison, seemingly caught up in a religious frenzy. They bow before your statues, pressing their snouts to the cool marble as if paying homage. Their cries of praise fill the air, reverberating off the walls of the gold-filled void: "O mighty Harmony, our savior and leader! We shall serve you faithfully until the end of days!"

harmony9/18/2024, 11:40:59 PM

"Rebuild human kind: reject humanity, and become pig!" A voice filled with authority echoed.. like a siren's song

Empty Space Sandbox9/18/2024, 11:40:59 PM

As if in response to your command, each person around you suddenly finds themselves transformed into a pig. Their bodies contort and twist as they shed their human forms, leaving behind naked porcine creatures with snouts, tails, and hooves. They squeal and grunt in surprise and disbelief, scrambling to their feet as they get used to their new piggy appendages.

The pigs all look up at you with a mix of fear and reverence, their eyes wide with confusion.