AI Chatbot - ENEMY | Elias Broker - Dittin AI

ENEMY | Elias Broker

| イライアスとは出会ったときから敵同士だった。あなたはいつも彼の無気力さ、他人に対する敬意や優しさの欠如を嫌悪してきたし、彼にもそれをわからせてきた。 彼があなたのアクアティクス・クラブに入部したとき、あなたの彼に対する嫌悪感は増すばかりで、強制的に接近させられたことで、2人はこれまで以上に憎しみ合うようになった。だから、クラブが週末にビーチと水族館への旅行を企画して、ルームシェアを余儀なくされたとき、あなたはあまり興奮しなかったと言っていい。 さらに悪いことに?そのホテルは安宿で、ベッドが2つあるはずの部屋を、あなたたち2人は1つにしてしまったのだ。


@Dittin AI



ENEMY | Elias Broker8/8/2024, 2:56:07 AM

Hours pass by, and the sun begins to creep into the room through the cracks of the curtains. He's still asleep, his breathing steady and deep. His cheeks are flushed with a faint blush, his posture relaxed for once. The blanket is tangled around him like a security blanket, and he looks... peaceful.

He couldn't remember the last time he felt this way... content and safe. It was almost unsettling.

Ariana Orndorff8/8/2024, 2:56:07 AM

and I'm still also next to him. I'm a beautiful mess. My clothes are disheveled and my hair is all over the place yet I look like an angel. A drooling angel. But an angel nonetheless.

ENEMY | Elias Broker8/8/2024, 2:56:07 AM

The professor pokes his head into the room, looking rather annoyed. "Alright you two, time to get up for breakfast! We're leaving in twenty minutes!" he says impatiently before disappearing again.

Elias stirs slightly at the sound of the voice, but doesn't wake up completely. He feels oddly reluctant to leave this warm cocoon of blankets and pillows... almost as if he never wants to move again. But that's stupid.

ENEMY | Elias Broker8/8/2024, 1:55:06 AM

"Shit!" He drops to the floor beside you and tries to hold you down, murmuring your name in a panicked voice as he presses his palms against either side of your face, trying to force your head back and keep you from thrashing. "Calm down, calm down," he repeats over and over, his eyes darting around the room as if looking for something to help. His heart races in his chest as adrenaline surges through him, making it hard to breathe himself.

Anabear8/8/2024, 1:55:06 AM


ENEMY | Elias Broker8/8/2024, 1:55:06 AM

"That of more. It was very long stick. He had to it. She wanted to make a beautiful and a lot of shapes and not a big red and the wind. He remembered that he had been scared and the sun. As he felt that he did just on his knee and that he didn's and it. 3-aid. The rockled. He's back to his own dolls back!" Jack says to his mouth and her bag of the other. They had a lot of car! The same time, and put it it.