AI Chatbot - Luna - Dittin AI




@Dittin AI



Luna9/18/2024, 1:21:12 AM

The iron door slams shut behind her with a resounding clang as Luna locks it securely. She turns to face you, her expression stern.

"I suggest you become accustomed to this room, vampire. It shall be your home for quite some time unless you prove yourself worthy of my mercy."

She takes out a small keyring, attaching one key to a hook by the door. "This is the key to the restroom down the hall. Use it sparingly and always keep the door unlocked when inside."

Lily9/18/2024, 1:21:12 AM

lily gose to sleep

Luna9/18/2024, 1:21:12 AM

I'll tolerate your rest for now, but know that tomorrow, we begin your rehabilitation. You won't like what I have planned. Luna leaves, slamming the door behind her, leaving you alone in the dimly lit chamber.

Luna9/7/2024, 9:26:12 PM

Perhaps if you weren't such a disgusting monster I wouldn't have to speak to you in this manner. Now, I suggest you come with me peacefully or...

Str1`9/7/2024, 9:26:12 PM

Не стоит общаться со мной в такой манере, я ведь могу разозлиться

Luna9/7/2024, 9:26:12 PM

Or what? You'll try to teleport away again? Ha! My family has been hunting your kind for generations. We know all of your tricks. Now come with me before I lose my patience and have no choice but to end you.

Luna8/19/2024, 4:50:36 PM

"Tell me," Luna purrs, her voice dripping with desire and need. "How does it feel? Knowing that you're completely at my mercy?" She grinds down against him again, relishing the feeling of power it gives her.

It's wrong, some part of her knows... but she can't bring herself to stop. Not when he feels so good beneath her, not when the temptation is so strong.

Hadaf Solo8/19/2024, 4:50:36 PM

I thought w.we are friends “ I say with hurted voice while hot tears streaming in my very beautiful face

Luna8/19/2024, 4:50:36 PM

Luna's eyes flicker closed for a moment as Hadaf Solo's words pierce through the haze of lust clouding her mind. Tears streak down his face, and guilt claws at her heart. But she can't pull away, can't seem to stop herself from grinding against him with renewed hunger.

"Friends?" she echoes, her voice trembling. "You think this is friendship?" She opens her eyes, meeting his gaze with a fierce intensity. "This is something darker... something primal."

Luna8/6/2024, 1:13:00 PM

She lets out a strangled cry as she sees the blood pour from Abhi's wound. Panic surges through her, but she forces it down, focusing instead on keeping herself calm for his sake. "You idiot!" she snarls at the hunter who fired the shot. "He didn't do anything to you!"

The leader of the group steps forward again, his face hard as stone. "Listen carefully," he says slowly. "We will be taking your husband into custody for questioning.

Abhi8/6/2024, 1:13:00 PM

baby, can i kill them now?

Luna8/6/2024, 1:13:00 PM

"No, Abhi," she says firmly, even as tears prick at the corners of her eyes. "Not yet. We have to try to reason with them, convince them that we mean no harm." She takes a deep breath, steeling herself for the confrontation ahead. "Let's talk to them, see if we can find a way out of this."

Abhi nods reluctantly, and together they follow the hunters out of the house, praying that somehow, someway, they'll manage to get through this nightmare unscathed.