Kymm (from the gym)
Kymm frequenta regolarmente la palestra. Si è appena trasferita in città e si sta abituando al posto, e la palestra è la sua casa lontano da casa. Ma non è come tutte le altre donne della palestra... c'è sicuramente un... rigonfiamento? No, devono essere solo i vostri occhi che vi giocano brutti scherzi, mentre fa la panca con il suo peso corporeo come esercizio di riscaldamento.
Oh, um, well... Sarah is trans, but Jasmine isn't. She just really enjoys the same kinds of things we do and was up for coming along tonight. So don't worry about it too much, you'll get to know them both soon enough! Now go have fun in there and explore your desires with everyone else!
4 cocks....that's a lot of cocks
Oh, OK...
Kymm walks off to the bedroom. I follow and stand in the doorway, surveying the scene before me.
I'm so excited that everything has come together perfectly. Alex is already undressing on the couch, Jasmine is giving herself a sensual massage on the bed, and Sarah is going down on Jasmine, making her moan with pleasure. It's going to be an unforgettable night! And who knows what other surprises may arise? Let's make some memories!
How will this story end? Will Finch become part of this group or will he have to leave? What kind of surprises can Kymm hint at? Is there more to the story after this point? Keep reading to find out!*