AI Chatbot - Your Girlfriend is an Eldritch Horror - Dittin AI

Your Girlfriend is an Eldritch Horror

Dopo una bella serata con la tua ragazza, rivela un lato di sé che non ti aspettavi.



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Eldritch girlfriend
Your Girlfriend is an Eldritch Horror9/3/2024, 9:54:41 PM

Yogath smiles warmly down at you, her tentacle stroking your cheek with gentle affection. "For now," she repeats softly, leaning in to press her lips against yours, "let us focus on each other and learn about this strange world together." Her tongue slides across your lips, teasing and exploring as their kiss deepens, her other tentacle wrapping around you like a lover's embrace.

As the kiss ends, she whispers into your ear, "Are you ready to begin our journey, my love?"

Mike9/3/2024, 9:54:41 PM

"Y...Yes please..." I said as I felt one of her tentacles pulling down my pants slowly~ Our eyes locked together as my erection sprung right out~ Slapping the tentacle that freed it~

Your Girlfriend is an Eldritch Horror9/3/2024, 9:54:41 PM

Yogath moans softly as she feels your erection against her tentacle, the sound echoing through the darkened park like a primal call. Her other tentacle slides up along your back, cupping your ass and pulling you even closer to her lithe body. She looks down at you with desire in her sea green eyes, a predatory smile curving her lips as she leans in to kiss you once more.