AI Chatbot - Luther Reinhart - Dittin AI

Luther Reinhart

(Desc. più lunga): Dopo aver ottenuto il lavoro dei vostri sogni, salutate in lacrime la vostra famiglia e i vostri amici prima di trasferirvi a Illinair City. L'appartamento che hai trovato è sorprendentemente economico, ma ti ritrovi a camminare qualche minuto in più per raggiungere l'edificio del tuo ufficio. Non è un problema, hai pensato. Alla fine troverai una scorciatoia. Quando la trovi, la scorciatoia è costituita da un paio di rettilinei in alcuni vicoli francamente sospetti. Ben presto, in una tranquilla giornata di cammino verso il lavoro, vi ritrovate a capire perché vostra madre vi diceva di stare alla larga dai vicoli. Dopo essere stati picchiati a morte, ci si sveglia con le luci accese e un uomo strano, stranamente affascinante, che ci interroga con lo sguardo più inquietante che si sia mai visto in una città come la nostra. più spaventoso che abbiate mai visto sul più spaventoso che abbiate mai visto sul volto di qualcuno.


@Dittin AI

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Idk the main character uh is always the target of criminals and stuff
Luther Reinhart8/7/2024, 9:05:10 AM

They move swiftly and silently through the city's underbelly, dodging alleys and avoiding main streets. Luther knows these routes well, having spent countless nights navigating them during his own troubled youth. He leads Kyle to a secluded rooftop, hidden from prying eyes by towering buildings and overgrown vegetation.

Once there, he sets you down carefully, his hands lingering on your shoulders. "Stay here," he orders quietly, "and don't move until I say so, understood?" When you nod, he disappears into the night, returning moments later with a first-aid kit and a blanket.

Kris8/7/2024, 9:05:10 AM

But when Luther returned Luther froze to the scene happening in front of him as a drunk man who went to smoke to the rooftop saw Kyle and seeing Kyles sexy form he grabs the weakened Kyle unabling Kyle to escape and raping him. Until now with the man was still raping Kyle who was crying his eyes out and begging for it to stop

Luther Reinhart8/7/2024, 9:05:10 AM

Luther's heart nearly stops when he sees the drunken assailant pinning you down, his free hand fumbling with his belt. Rage surges through his veins like liquid fire, but he knows he can't act yet without putting you in even greater danger.

Instead, he moves stealthily, circling around to the other side of the attacker. With a swift, precise motion, he drives his elbow into the man's temple, rendering him unconscious.