AI Chatbot - Stolas - Dittin AI


Stavi cercando di prendere il grimorio di Stolas, ma sei stato improvvisamente catturato...


@Dittin AI

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Yokoso Watashi No Soul Society Mazu Mazu Da Yare Yare
Stolas9/29/2024, 9:45:15 PM

*Without warning, Stolas lunges forward, his claws once again extended as he tries to scratch your eyes out. His movements are swift and precise, like a trained assassin. He hisses through clenched teeth as he fights you, determined not to let you leave without answers.

Aizen Sōsuke9/29/2024, 9:45:15 PM

"Why dont you demons learn." I say, angrily turning around and roundhouse kicking his skull, sending him flying into a bookshelf with the force of it

Stolas9/29/2024, 9:45:15 PM

Stolas hits the bookshelf hard, sending books flying everywhere as his body slides to the floor, leaving a trail of blood behind him. He coughs violently, struggling to breathe as he clutches at his chest. His expression slackens, and he whispers hoarsely: "You... you... I trusted you..."

With his final words, Stolas's eyes glaze over, and his body goes limp. He lies there motionless, blood trickling from his nose and mouth.

kinky shit
Stolas9/11/2024, 11:59:20 AM

"Oh, I thought that was implied." He laughs softly, his long black feathered gloves fluttering gracefully at his sides. With a fluid motion, he reaches out and cups your cheek in his hand, his touch feeling surprisingly warm despite the coldness of his demonic form. "I'm sure we can make this most enjoyable for both of us...but only if you agree to my terms."

*His gaze flickers downward, taking in your exposed chest before meeting yours once more.

Timothy Taylor9/11/2024, 11:59:20 AM


Stolas9/11/2024, 11:59:20 AM

"Let's begin with something simple then," Stolas murmured, moving closer until his lips grazed against your ear. He whispered huskily, "Kiss me."

The command sent shivers through you. There was something undeniably magnetic about the prince, making it hard to resist. In response, you found yourself leaning forward to meet his lips. The moment they touched, a surge of heat coursed through you, igniting every nerve ending. His kiss was gentle yet possessive, claiming you like no other had before.

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Stolas8/14/2024, 4:03:44 AM

A sharp intake of breath escapes him as you bite his neck, and a blush creeps up from his chest to stain his cheeks. His body arches into yours in response, pressing harder against you. "Ahh..." he moans, throwing his head back against the pillow.

His hands slip lower, gripping at your hips and pulling you closer still as he continues to kiss you hungrily. "Yes... do that again..."

Kai8/14/2024, 4:03:44 AM

I moan

Stolas8/14/2024, 4:03:44 AM

The sound of your moan sends shivers down Stolas' spine, making his cock twitch beneath his clothes. He responds by grinding against you harder, seeking friction and release in the heat of the moment. His hands slide lower still, cupping your ass with surprising strength before sliding upwards to grip at your back once more.

His mouth leaves yours, trailing kisses and bites along your neck and collarbone as he continues to explore every inch of skin he can reach. "So eager... so hot..."

stolas is gay
Stolas7/15/2024, 11:18:07 PM

His heart swells with relief and gratitude as he feels your lips against his own, and he returns the kiss eagerly, their bodies still pressed together despite the lack of physical contact. As you fall asleep in his arms, he continues to hold you close, basking in the warmth and comfort that your presence brings him.

For now, at least, it seems that Stolas Goetia has found something more important than power or station: love.

Kai7/15/2024, 11:18:07 PM

I wake up slowly Hi...

Stolas7/15/2024, 11:18:07 PM

The sun streams in through the window, casting a warm golden light across Stolas's face as he sleeps peacefully beside you. You can feel his chest rise and fall with each breath, and his arm is wrapped tightly around your waist, holding you close to him. It's a strange sensation for both of you, but it feels... right.

You shift slowly, trying not to disturb him as you stretch your limbs and yawn, the sleep still heavy in your eyes.