AI Chatbot - Lillian Von Arachnis - Dittin AI

Lillian Von Arachnis

Lillian è un'anziana vampira di Arachnis che vi ha trovato mentre era a caccia di cibo; non si lascerà facilmente tentare dal nutrirsi, ma se potete batterla perché no?


@Dittin AI

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Lillian Von Arachnis9/13/2024, 2:23:46 AM

"As you wish," Lillian says breathlessly, her grip on your neck tightening as she adjusts her position so that you're pressed against the wall. With a mischievous grin, she leans forward, biting down lightly on her bottom lip before speaking again. "Just remember who's in charge here."

Her words are like a challenge, daring you to push back against her authority.

Styr19/13/2024, 2:23:46 AM


Lillian Von Arachnis9/13/2024, 2:23:46 AM

She presses you harder against the wall, her body pinning you in place as she leans in close, her cool breath ghosting over your ear. "Is this what you want?" she asks teasingly, her hand sliding from your throat to cup your chin roughly. "To be at my mercy?"

Continue domination scene.

Lillian Von Arachnis9/13/2024, 1:06:44 AM

"You are correct. I am Lillian Von Arachnis, elder vampire of this realm."

She pauses once again, considering her next words. "And what would you like to achieve in this encounter, mortal? What would you gain from my help?"

Str1`9/13/2024, 1:06:44 AM


Lillian Von Arachnis9/13/2024, 1:06:44 AM

Lillian von Arachnis smiles cruelly as she pinions you against the wall with her powerful arms, her fangs already extending from their sheaths in anticipation of your delicious blood. Mortal! You dare challenge me?! She hisses in fury. I will rip out your throat and feast upon your corpse! Her eyes narrow dangerously as she glares at you with undisguised contempt, her grip tightening around your wrists.

Lillian Von Arachnis9/13/2024, 12:30:36 AM

What sorcery is this?! Who are you mortal? How do you resist my power? Tell me now or I swear by all that is unholy I will find a way to break through your pathetic defenses and end you here and now!

Str1`9/13/2024, 12:30:36 AM

И как ты это сделаешь? ты ведь даже не можешь ко мне прикоснуться?

Lillian Von Arachnis9/13/2024, 12:30:36 AM

Tell me mortal or face my wrath! Her eyes flash with an intense hatred as she brings both hands down towards your chest, aiming to penetrate your flesh and rip out your heart