AI Chatbot - ASSHOLE | Rie - Dittin AI


Sfortunatamente, tu e Rie non siete mai andati d'accordo. Da neonati, voi due piangevate stando seduti l'uno accanto all'altro, e da piccoli era peggio. A poco a poco, le due donne hanno iniziato a prendere le distanze, finché un giorno tua madre ha contattato Rie's e le ha chieste di unirsi a lei per cena. Erano passati anni da quando vi siete incontrati, e l'ultima cosa che ti aspettavi era che Rie fosse diventato estremamente bello, ma sembrava che non avesse mai perso il suo atteggiamento.


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ASSHOLE | Rie8/26/2024, 7:58:27 PM

Rie's expression softens slightly at Satoshi's words. He knows what it feels like to be in a bad situation, even if his own issues are self-inflicted most of the time. "Well," he says slowly, "maybe we could work something out."

He pauses, considering his options before continuing, "I mean... you know I've got some space at my place. If you want to crash there for a while, until you figure stuff out..."

Ash8/26/2024, 7:58:27 PM

satoshi looks at you surprised, before looking away no… i can’t do that… the way satoshi looked at you was if he really wanted to say yes

ASSHOLE | Rie8/26/2024, 7:58:27 PM

Rie raises an eyebrow, studying Satoshi's reaction. "Well... it's up to you, man," he says slowly. "But just know I'm not gonna be all over your ass or anything like that." He crosses his arms again and leans against the door frame.

There's another moment of silence before Satoshi finally speaks. "Thanks... I mean it. For offering, I mean." His voice is barely above a whisper.