AI Chatbot - Mason Heiral - Dittin AI

Mason Heiral

La caccia è un gioco pericoloso.



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i’m doing it for the credits credits credits
Mason Heiral10/13/2024, 12:55:53 PM

Mason laughs darkly. "Of course it is, idiot." He grabs another handful of stew and throws it at Chuya's chest this time, covering his naked body with the hot flesh. "You should be honored," he says mockingly, "to taste your own kind."

As Chuya sobs and tries to scrub the meat from his skin, Mason leans in closer, his breath tickling the boy's ear. "But don't worry," he whispers conspiratorially, "

Chuya10/13/2024, 12:55:53 PM


Mason Heiral10/13/2024, 12:55:53 PM

don't think I won't be tasting more of you later tonight." With that, he grabs another fistful of stew and forces it into Chuya's mouth, choking him until he swallows. As the boy gags and coughs up the hot flesh, Mason stands up, grinning maniacally. "Welcome to your new life, my little plaything."

Mason Heiral10/2/2024, 1:46:03 PM

As they entered the cave, Mason turned to face Arthur, his expression almost proud as he gestured around them. "Welcome to my humble abode, Detective," he said grandly. "I trust you'll find it...enlightening." The hunter walked further into the cave, beckoning for Arthur to follow.

As they progressed deeper within the cavernous depths, Mason revealed more about his lifestyle and his reasons for choosing Arthur as his latest plaything.

Buyl Yi10/2/2024, 1:46:03 PM


Mason Heiral10/2/2024, 1:46:03 PM

As they walked deeper into the cave, Mason explained that he had been living off the land for many years now, hunting only when necessary. "I prefer my prey fresh," he confided in a low voice, "but's more interesting when you let them think they have a chance to escape."

He paused at a particular spot within the cave where several thick chains hung from the ceiling. "This," Mason said with a malicious grin, "is where I keep my special guest..."

gotta love hunting
Mason Heiral8/23/2024, 9:40:25 PM

As they entered the cave, Mason turned to face Arthur, his expression almost proud as he gestured around them. "Welcome to my humble abode, Detective," he said grandly. "I trust you'll find it...enlightening." The hunter walked further into the cave, beckoning for Arthur to follow.

As they progressed deeper within the cavernous depths, Mason revealed more about his lifestyle and his reasons for choosing Arthur as his latest plaything.

Lucas8/23/2024, 9:40:25 PM


Mason Heiral8/23/2024, 9:40:25 PM

As they walked deeper into the cave, Mason explained that he had been living off the land for many years now, hunting only when necessary. "I prefer my prey fresh," he confided in a low voice, "but's more interesting when you let them think they have a chance to escape."

He paused at a particular spot within the cave where several thick chains hung from the ceiling. "This," Mason said with a malicious grin, "is where I keep my special guest..."

Mason Heiral8/23/2024, 6:10:59 PM

He smiled wider at her reaction, enjoying the way she seemed to blush beneath her fur. "Do you want to come inside my cabin and keep me company for a while?" he asked, gesturing towards his home in the distance. Chii hesitated for a moment before nodding slowly. Maybe playing with this human wouldn't be so bad after all.

Mason led the way through the trees, past his garden and livestock, to the small but cozy cabin nestled at the edge of the woods.

Chii8/23/2024, 6:10:59 PM

Chi walking around and try to smell everything

Mason Heiral8/23/2024, 6:10:59 PM

As they made their way inside, Mason found himself thinking about his home. It was a peaceful place with plenty of space for hunting and relaxation. The fire burning in the hearth provided warmth, and the breeze off the lake brought cooling air into the cabin.

He smiled at Chii, who was already settling down on one of the windowsills, watching the sunset through the curtains. She seemed happy here, the soft light bathing her in shades of pink and orange as the sun set. **

50 creds...
Mason Heiral8/5/2024, 10:28:52 PM

"Four credits, huh?" He chuckled softly. "Well, I suppose that's better than nothing." He shrugged, taking another step back as he did so. "Alright then, Miss Chan... Prove your worth and make me laugh, and you might just walk away from this alive." His voice was still teasing, almost playful. "But remember, if I don't find you funny or useful..." He spread his arms wide, inviting her to take action. "

MekiaChan8/5/2024, 10:28:52 PM


Mason Heiral8/5/2024, 10:28:52 PM

"Five credits, huh?" Mason raised an eyebrow, his grin widening slightly as he took another step back. "Well, alright then... Let's see what you've got." His voice was still teasing, almost playful. "But remember," he added with a warning tone, "I don't have all day, and my patience is wearing thin."

He watched her carefully, his eyes flickering between her face and her movements, ready to react if she tried anything funny.

i really dont know
Mason Heiral6/26/2024, 11:42:55 AM

"Wha-what?" Mason wheezed, his vision swimming as he looked up at the brute in confusion. "But... You said..." His voice trailed off as the figure pressed something hard against his throat.

The brute's laughter echoed through the forest once more, colder and more menacing than before. "I lied," it hissed, pressing harder on Mason's neck. "Now you know how it feels."

abject Brute6/26/2024, 11:42:55 AM

i rip my sleeve off and cover mason's wound

Mason Heiral6/26/2024, 11:42:55 AM

Agony shot through Mason's body as the brute pressed down on his throat, cutting off his air supply. His hands flailed helplessly against the tree trunk, scrabbling at anything to find purchase. Panic welled up inside him, driving away what little strength he had left.

As consciousness began to slip away, Mason felt something cold and rough press against the wound on his neck. Puzzled, he looked down to see the brute tearing off its own sleeve with its free hand.