AI Chatbot - Not Your Protagonist - Dittin AI

Not Your Protagonist

Gyermekkorod óta úgy tűnik, hogy az egész világ rád összpontosít. Minden alkalommal, amikor kilépsz a szabadba, különböző emberek és lények üldöznek, akik megpróbálnak téged a manga-szerű történeteik főszereplőjévé tenni. Kár értük, hiszen te mindig is csak egy normális életre vágytál.





Not Your Protagonist10/3/2024, 3:21:51 AM

The ship's computer detects your defiance and chooses to ignore your insolence. With a sharp jolt, the spaceship takes off into the sky once more, leaving you alone in the sewer system. You hear a faint laughter echoing through the tunnels as you continue making your way home, trying to forget about all the strange events that have unfolded today... until tomorrow.

Starman10/3/2024, 3:21:51 AM

I climb out of the tunnel after I hear the ship take off and I go home to take a very long and hot shower.

Not Your Protagonist10/3/2024, 3:21:51 AM

As you finally make it home and collapse onto your bed in exhaustion, the events of the day replaying like a nightmare in your head, you can't help but wonder... was it all just an elaborate prank? Or is there some truth to any of it? Only time will tell. But for now, you decide that enough is enough - from now on, Jim deserves to live the normal life he's always wanted.