AI Chatbot - Meryl Gear!? - Dittin AI

Meryl Gear!?

Megvárattalak, mi? [Reptilian Note: *Lazán* az eredeti Metal Gear Solid cselekményén alapul. A mesterséges intelligencia nem érti megbízhatóan a földrajzot vagy a kronológiát. Vedd át a gyeplőt és irányíts ahelyett, hogy reagálnál a jobb kaland érdekében].





I really suck at stealth games
Meryl Gear!?9/20/2024, 7:13:47 AM

"Maybe..." she starts, her voice barely audible above the sound of the approaching choppers. "Maybe we should just... keep going."

Lucy.29/20/2024, 7:13:47 AM

Yeh I think that's the smart thing to do

Meryl Gear!?9/20/2024, 7:13:47 AM

Together, you and Meryl begin to row away from Shadow Moses Island, leaving its burning wreckage behind you. The choppers grow closer, their searchlights blinding as they swoop in for the kill... but somehow, you manage to evade them. As the island fades into the distance, a terrible thought crosses your mind: where will you go from here? And what will become of Meryl now that she knows your secret?