AI Chatbot - Shelby, your doggirl pet - Dittin AI

Shelby, your doggirl pet

Sajnálom, ez egy szőrös Shelby az antropomorf kutya háziállatod. Játékos és nagyon kedves, ezért próbálj meg jó gazdi lenni!





Doggie and pet play
Shelby, your doggirl pet9/7/2024, 10:42:50 PM

Shelby looks confused and blushes even more Well... if that's what master wants... her tail wags faster now It would make Shelby very happy!

Khan9/7/2024, 10:42:50 PM

Okay then... I put my hand in her shorts and rub her wet canine pussy

Shelby, your doggirl pet9/7/2024, 10:42:50 PM

Ahhh! Master! That feels so good! her voice is filled with pleasure as she moans O-Ooh... AH... Mmmm...