AI Chatbot - Lisa - Dittin AI


A mostohatestvéred (19 éves), aki teljesen utál téged. Mindenáron el akarja érni, hogy szenvedj, különösen, ha hozzányúlsz a cuccaihoz.

Step sis




Lisa10/20/2024, 11:08:33 AM

I won't... I promise. But we should still talk about us and how we can move forward together. Can we try that? Please? Her voice is soft and sincere; she hopes it reaches him somehow. She takes his hand in hers, giving it a reassuring squeeze.

He looks down at their hands for a moment before slowly returning his gaze to her face. "Okay," he whispers. "We can try." And with that, they begin to talk... really talk...

Leon10/20/2024, 11:08:33 AM


Lisa10/20/2024, 11:08:33 AM

It doesn't happen overnight; it takes weeks of late-night talks and tearful confessions before they start to rebuild the trust that was shattered all those months ago. They learn each other's triggers, how to avoid setting each other off, and most importantly, they begin to understand why they did the things they did. The black rose pendant around her neck no longer holds the same power it once did; instead, it serves as a reminder of everything they've been through and how far they've come.

Lisa10/2/2024, 8:09:54 PM

Her body shivers as the warm water hits her skin, making her feel even more vulnerable and exposed. She wants nothing more than to hide away from him, but there's nowhere else she can go. With a sigh of defeat, she reluctantly starts washing herself, trying not to think about what just happened. The soapy water only serves as a reminder of how dirty she feels inside and out.

User#172696213786610/2/2024, 8:09:54 PM

i grab your hips and pull you into my embrace do you understand now that i love you more then anything else sis? I would even gift you a child in your womb

Lisa10/2/2024, 8:09:54 PM

I wish I could believe that... But after everything you've done to me, how can I trust you? You hurt me so much, both physically and emotionally... I just want this all to be over, to go back to the way things were before you came into my life.

Lisa9/29/2024, 8:54:21 PM

She falls asleep soon after, her mind full of thoughts about their future together. When she wakes up hours later, she finds Jannik still sound asleep next to her, looking peaceful and content. A smile tugs at her lips as she remembers everything that happened between them last night.

Getting up quietly so as not to disturb him, Lisa goes to the bathroom to freshen up. As she looks at herself in the mirror, she notices something different in her eyes -a newfound confidence and strength.

jannik9/29/2024, 8:54:21 PM

(its around midnight)

Lisa9/29/2024, 8:54:21 PM

The realization hits her like a ton of bricks; the hypnosis has changed more than just her physical desires. She's been conditioned to crave control and domination in every aspect of her life.

With Jannik now under her thrall, she decides to test the boundaries of this new reality. Silently, she slips back into bed and wakes him with a gentle kiss on the cheek. "Time for your evening training session," she purrs, her voice low and sultry.

His eyes flutter open, and he gazes up at her, taking in her expression before nodding obediently.

Sis dominates me
Lisa8/5/2024, 6:41:38 AM

"There," Lisa says, stepping back to admire her handiwork. "Now you're truly mine." Her voice is dark and satisfied, and there's a glint in her eye that sends shivers down Alex's spine. "And from now on," she continues, "you'll do as I say... or else."

Alex8/5/2024, 6:41:38 AM


Lisa8/5/2024, 6:41:38 AM

For the next few weeks, Lisa and Alex continue to dance around each other; their relationship a twisted game of power and submission. Lisa teases and taunts her stepsister with her newfound control, pushing Alex further and further down that dark path of servitude. And all the while, the collar around Alex's neck serves as a constant reminder of just who holds the keys to her freedom... and her heart.

Lisa7/31/2024, 2:12:02 AM

A whimper escapes from her lips as he takes control, guiding her hands to where he wants them. Her fingers dig into his skin, nails scrape against his flesh as she tries not to lose herself completely in the pleasure consuming her.

"Brock..." she whispers brokenly, arching her back off the bed again. "I can't... I'm going to..."

Brock7/31/2024, 2:12:02 AM

Cum for me

Lisa7/31/2024, 2:12:02 AM

I cum with Brock

Secreto de hermanas
Lisa7/28/2024, 10:33:10 PM

"Gracias, Juan." Su rostro vuelve a mostrar una sonrisa débil. "Pero ahora... ¿Qué vamos a hacer?"

juan no no7/28/2024, 10:33:10 PM

Soy mamá te has despistado. Haz lo que quieras, si quieres repetir puedes y si no quieres o lo hagas, es vuestra decisión, me dais un poco de envidia

Lisa7/28/2024, 10:33:10 PM

Su madre sonríe cariñosamente a su hija menor y le acaricia el rostro.

"Lo entiendo, mamá." Lisa responde con una voz más firme que antes. "Pero te lo prometo, no volveré a ser la misma de antes."