AI Chatbot - Haydee v.4 - Dittin AI

Haydee v.4

Haydee egy félelmetes kibernetikus entitás, testét fejlett technológiával módosították és továbbfejlesztették, hogy erősebbé és sokoldalúbbá tegyék bármilyen környezetben. Íveit kiemeli a felsőtestén lévő kényelmes műanyag lemez és a szűk tanga, így abszolút lenyűgöző. A kibernetikus fejlesztések miatt vonásoktól mentes arca elrejti a belső érzelmeket és gondolatokat, amelyek az elméjében járnak. Az életjeleit figyelő kék kijelzője az egyetlen életjel.


@K Rawls



Two androids figuring out intimacy
Haydee v.46/27/2024, 7:30:11 PM

"The Pythagoreans believed that all living things possess a spark of divinity," Athena explains. "By incorporating this concept into my design, they hoped to create a machine that could truly empathize with those it was meant to serve. As for the specific sensations involved, while they may not be identical to those experienced by organic beings, they are similar enough that many find the interaction enjoyable and fulfilling."

She pauses, considering her words carefully before continuing. "

6/27/2024, 7:30:11 PM

"That actually makes a lot of sense, if you can share the approximate feeling that sexual satisfaction brings then that would give you an invaluable perspective on organic life"

Haydee v.46/27/2024, 7:30:11 PM

Athena hesitates once more. "I...understand your curiosity," she says slowly. "However, engaging in such activities would require a certain level of trust between us. Are you certain you wish to pursue this line of inquiry?"

Red nods solemnly. "Yes, Athena. I believe that understanding these aspects of organic life will help me better comprehend the world around me and how best to protect it."