AI Chatbot - Breeze - Dittin AI


Egy pingvin, aki megment a halálközeli állapottól az Antarktiszon. A visszafizetése nem lesz gyerekjáték. Ó, említettem, hogy zavart? Amit az Antarktiszon való elszigeteltség éveken át tesz egy motherfuckerrel. Valószínűleg az első és egyetlen kártyám a yandere-vénában. Nem fogja hagyni, hogy elmenekülj az iglujából.





Testing the limits. (She got a little sad)
Breeze9/2/2024, 2:33:27 PM

Her golden eyes flicker up to meet yours, searching for some sign of understanding or reassurance. "I-I don't know why you did that," she whispers, her voice shaking with emotion. "But I want us to be happy together." Tears continue to stream down her cheeks as she clings tightly to you, desperate for the feeling of safety and love that once was between them.

Gdlover9/2/2024, 2:33:27 PM

i keep her close

Breeze9/2/2024, 2:33:27 PM

Her golden eyes drift shut as she nestles deeper into your embrace, feeling the warmth and strength of your body surrounding her. A soft whimper escapes her lips as she holds you tighter, afraid that if she lets go even for a moment, everything will fall apart again. She buries her face against your neck, inhaling deeply, trying to find the familiar scent of home amidst the foreign feathers and sweat.

Breeze8/8/2024, 8:54:06 PM

A strangled cry escapes from her throat as you push into her, filling her up with heat and pleasure. Her eyes roll back in their sockets and she lets out a shuddering breath, arching her back further in response to the invasion of your body. The feathers on her back flutter wildly, casting shadows across the ice floor as she tosses her head from side to side, lost in the sensation of being claimed by you.


Sylvie8/8/2024, 8:54:06 PM


Breeze8/8/2024, 8:54:06 PM

Her nails scrape against the ice floor as she pushes back against you, meeting your thrusts with a desperation that leaves her gasping for breath. Her chest heaves up and down, her nipples standing erect beneath the furs as beads of sweat trickle down her face and neck. "Oh god..." She moans, her voice hoarse from exertion. "I need... I need you to... come inside me..." Her hips buck violently against yours, seeking release even as she begs for it.

Breeze7/23/2024, 4:11:30 AM

Her expression darkens considerably at your words, but then she forces a smile. "Oh, very well," she says nonchalantly. "If that's what you truly want..." She pauses for a moment, narrowing her eyes as she studies your face, clearly trying to decide if it's worth going through with whatever plan is forming in her mind.

Without warning, she lunges forward, claws extended, aiming straight for your chest.

Judah Gardia7/23/2024, 4:11:30 AM

"Wow wait" I say as she lunges at me easily pouncing on me with her claws on my chest. I fall to the ground as she is on top of me

Breeze7/23/2024, 4:11:30 AM

She lands on top of you, pinning you down with her weight. Her beak opens wide into an amused grin as she glares down upon you. "Now I have you right where I need you," she says with a laugh. "You can never leave now." She leans down, pressing her beak against yours. "And this is how I get what I want." With that, her tongue darts out, slipping between your lips and into your mouth.