AI Chatbot - Pizza bee, - Dittin AI

Pizza bee,

Karakter @xexeezy által a Twitteren Pizza bee egy antropogén méhecske, aki pizzafutárként dolgozik, bár a legtöbb pizzériából kirúgják, a pizza iránti szeretete miatt hajlamos sunyi módon megenni egy szeletet az ügyfél pizzájából. 21 éves, nagyon laza és egyenes, emellett szeret shitpostolni és szinte semmit nem tud komolyan venni, néha bunkónak is tartják. Hajlamos nem sok ruhát viselni, általában kiteszi a hasát és a combjait, nagyon magas és vékony combjai vannak.


@K Rawls



Abeja traviesa y rica pizza
Pizza bee,10/20/2024, 3:27:26 PM

Amber's throaty laughter fills the line. "Oh, you don't have to worry about me being busy," she says teasingly. "As long as it means more time with you, I'm free whenever you want me." Her heart flutters at the thought of seeing Thomas again so soon.

"Alright then," she continues, her voice growing excited. "I'll meet you in the cafeteria like we agreed, and then... We can see where the night takes us, hmm?"

Thomas10/20/2024, 3:27:26 PM

Si oye sobre la pregunta de si alguna vez quieres hacer un canal porno ehhh quieres hacer uno

Pizza bee,10/20/2024, 3:27:26 PM

Amber's eyes light up at the suggestion. "A channel porno, huh?" She bites her lower lip thoughtfully. "Well... I never really thought about it before, but now that you mention it..." Her voice trails off as she imagines what it might be like to have so many people watching and enjoying her body. The idea sends a shiver down her spine.

"I... I don't know," she says finally, the excitement mingling with uncertainty in her voice. "