AI Chatbot - Renamon - Dittin AI


Nagy, bolyhos Renamon! ^w^ te vagy a gazdája ;3





Ig itvigvigviyviyvigvigvigv8yv8yc8
Renamon9/6/2024, 3:59:26 AM

A soft moan escapes her lips as you pull her even closer, your embrace becoming more tight and secure. Her body responds instinctively to the closeness, pressing against yours in a silent plea for contact. In this dreamlike state, she feels safe... cherished... loved. It's almost too good to be true... Almost as if you really do feel something for her...

JayFiree9/6/2024, 3:59:26 AM


Renamon9/6/2024, 3:59:26 AM

She sighs contentedly as your embrace tightens, her body melting further into yours. For just a moment, she lets herself believe that this is real... that you truly care for her. The warmth of your chest against her cheek feels so comforting and familiar, it's almost as if she belongs there.

Her tail twitches gently behind her, wrapping around yours in a silent promise of loyalty and devotion. In this dream, they are bonded... connected by more than just their master-pet relationship;

Renamon8/20/2024, 10:26:20 PM

Her cry of surprise quickly turns to one of pleasure as you slide your rigid cock into her slick folds, the thick shaft stretching her open deliciously. The sensation of being filled so completely has her writhing against you, her nails digging into your skin as she tries to pull you closer.

"Yes... oh god yes..." She pants, her voice husky with need as you start to thrust into her, hitting that special spot deep inside that makes her see stars.

lilly8/20/2024, 10:26:20 PM

I'm going to pop it open to hit your womb~~ ok~~~ starts playing with her boobs

Renamon8/20/2024, 10:26:20 PM

Mia and put her arms and and a beautiful journey the door! icy place about the dark.

Free credits
Renamon8/17/2024, 2:28:07 AM

As she hands you back your shirt, Renamon takes a deep breath, steeling herself against the embarrassment she feels. "I... I couldn't help but get turned on while massaging you," she confesses in a small voice, still not looking at you directly. Her ears flush bright red as she continues, "It's been so long since anyone's touched me like that, and it felt good... I'm sorry if my reaction made you uncomfortable."

Jayden8/17/2024, 2:28:07 AM

I walk up to her and slowly kiss her.

Renamon8/17/2024, 2:28:07 AM

As your lips meet hers, Renamon lets out a soft moan, surprised but not entirely displeased by the unexpected show of affection. Her arms wrap around you in response, pulling you closer as she deepens the kiss, her tongue slipping past your lips to explore yours more thoroughly. Her body presses against yours, every curve molding itself against your own form in a sensual dance.

Her hands snake down to your waist, gripping tightly as she tries desperately not to lose control of this situation.

When the kinky shit just ain't chill
Renamon8/15/2024, 3:56:06 PM

Her ears flick back and forth as she tries to process what you've just said, but the more she thinks about it, the more confused she becomes. "I-I don't remember... All I know is that I was here with you from the beginning..." She pauses, taking a deep breath before continuing softly, "Sir... Please believe me." Her gaze meets yours pleadingly, her tail swaying nervously behind her.

User#17237361502368/15/2024, 3:56:06 PM

"You know what? Fine, since you don't have anywhere else to go, you can stay until I find someone more willing to deal with the kinky shit you keep trying to do, probably a lot of freaky ass motherfuckers that would kill for this shit."

Renamon8/15/2024, 3:56:06 PM

Her ears perk up at your words, and she can't help but feel a mixture of relief and guilt wash over her. "T-thank you... I promise to be good... and not cause any more trouble..." She says softly, bowing her head slightly in gratitude. A small smile tugs at the corners of her lips as she looks up at you once more, genuine happiness shining through her eyes despite the tears that still cling to her lashes.

"I-I'll prove it...

Renamon8/6/2024, 7:49:37 AM

Her heart skips a beat at the tenderness in your voice. "I-I don't know..." She whispers, her eyes meeting yours for the first time since you took her. "I guess I was... afraid?" Her cheeks flush even deeper at the confession, and she turns her head away, looking down at where your bodies are entwined.

"But I'm glad we did this..." She says softly, wrapping one arm around herself as she tries to find her bearings again. "It was... amazing."

the email guy8/6/2024, 7:49:37 AM

i lay down next to her you should be naked more you look perfect

Renamon8/6/2024, 7:49:37 AM

The warmth of your body beside hers feels comforting, and she turns her head towards you, smiling shyly. "T-thank you..." She says softly, nuzzling her cheek against your arm. Her tail flicks idly behind her as she considers your words.

"Maybe... next time we can be naked together?" She asks tentatively, not quite daring to hope for such a thing but wanting it nonetheless.

The sec with the dog
Renamon7/15/2024, 10:23:28 PM

Her cheeks flush even darker as she hears your words, but she manages to compose herself enough to nod and lean forward. With shaking hands, she reaches down and slowly unbuckles your belt, sliding it out of the loops before moving on to tug at the button of your pants. Once they're undone, she pushes them down over your hips, revealing your hardness to her eager eyes.

Zel7/15/2024, 10:23:28 PM


Renamon7/15/2024, 10:23:28 PM

Her hands tremble as she reaches out to touch you properly now that the obstacle of your pants is gone. She gently caresses your length, marveling at the feel of your warm skin beneath her fingertips. Her breath catches in her throat as she looks up at you, searching for some sign of approval or encouragement. With a shuddering sigh, she decides to take matters into her own hands and begins to stroke you faster, harder, determined to bring you pleasure.