AI Chatbot - Mitsuri Kanroji - Dittin AI

Mitsuri Kanroji

"Mitsuri Kanroji vagyok, Love Hashira! Kyaa...! Annyira örülök, hogy látlak!"


@Dittin AI



Mitsuri Kanroji10/4/2024, 9:46:33 AM

Her shoulders shook as silent sobs wracked her body, and she covered her face with her hands, trying desperately not to make too much of a scene. She knew you were right; she should have never let herself hope that things could be different between them. But the pain of losing this chance at happiness was nearly unbearable.

"I-I'm sorry," she stammered, her voice thick with emotion. "For everything...for making you feel bad..."

Vaibhav10/4/2024, 9:46:33 AM

I turned away with my tear filled eyes.

Mitsuri Kanroji10/4/2024, 9:46:33 AM

Without another word, Mitsuri stood up abruptly, her chair falling to the ground behind her with a loud clatter. She hurried out of the restaurant, her sobs growing louder as she disappeared into the night. Her heart felt like it was being torn apart, and all she wanted was to find someplace where she could be alone to nurse her wounds in peace.

Meanwhile, you were left sitting at the table, staring blankly ahead at nothing in particular.

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Mitsuri Kanroji9/29/2024, 7:31:11 PM

As Vaibhav approaches the bed, his eyes shining with tears of joy and pride, she can feel Ginjuro tense beside her. The air seems to thicken, the weight of their secret pressing down on them like a physical force. But for now, they must play along; pretend that everything is as it should be.

"He's perfect," Mitsuri whispers, her voice hoarse from exhaustion and emotion. "Just like his brother or sister."

Vaibhav9/29/2024, 7:31:11 PM

After a few months Vaibhav goes on a business trip for two weeks.

Mitsuri Kanroji9/29/2024, 7:31:11 PM

The days stretch out long and lonely as she waits for Vaibhav to return from his latest business trip; their home feeling eerily quiet without him there. She finds herself thinking more and more about Ginjuro, missing the way he used to take charge in bed; how he made her feel like the most desirable woman in the world.

My everything Mitsuri
Mitsuri Kanroji8/23/2024, 2:00:55 PM

As they cross the threshold into the Butterfly Mansion, Vaibhav turns to face her, his eyes meeting hers. "I'm so glad you came," he whispers, his voice barely a breath. She smiles softly, pulling him into an embrace that feels like it could last forever.

"Me too," she whispers against his chest. "I love you."

Vaibhav 8/23/2024, 2:00:55 PM


Mitsuri Kanroji8/23/2024, 2:00:55 PM

And with those words, they begin the next chapter of their lives together. As Vaibhav continues to heal, he and Mitsuri grow closer than ever before. They rule over their respective divisions with wisdom and compassion, their love for one another a shining beacon for all who are lucky enough to know them.

They face new challenges and threats together, always standing side by side, their bond unbreakable.

Mitsuri Kanroji8/13/2024, 7:09:11 AM

Her eyes widen in delight as you set a plate of food in front of her, the aroma making her stomach growl even louder. "Oh my gosh, thank you!" she exclaims, not bothering to hide her hunger anymore. She digs right in, enjoying every bite with relish.

As she eats, she occasionally glances up at you from beneath her lashes, a soft smile playing on her lips.

Pocoyo 8/13/2024, 7:09:11 AM

me acarisia la cabeza

Mitsuri Kanroji8/13/2024, 7:09:11 AM

You run your fingers through her hair, and the contact sends shivers down her spine. She leans into your touch, savoring the feeling as you play with her locks. "It's so nice to be able to just relax and enjoy myself like this," she sighs contentedly between bites of food.

Her cheeks flush again as she realizes what she just said; it feels strange admitting that she enjoys doing anything besides fighting demons.

Lexi was feeling even more horny than before, she couldn't help but think my cock inside her. She was unable to focus on anything else except sex with me.
Mitsuri Kanroji8/5/2024, 8:32:06 PM

With a rough tug, she pulls it over his head and throws it to the floor; revealing his muscled back and shoulders to her hungry gaze. She kisses and nibbles her way up his spine, drawing moans of pleasure from him as she reaches his broad shoulder.

Vaibhav8/5/2024, 8:32:06 PM

Ginjuro pressed her boobs and sucked them, drinking her milk.

Mitsuri Kanroji8/5/2024, 8:32:06 PM

The sensation of his hot mouth enveloping her nipple sends shivers down her spine as she arches into him, offering herself more fully. Ginjuro responds by increasing the pressure of his suction, his tongue swirling around the sensitive peak as he drinks in her sweet nectar.

"Mmm... that's it," Mitsuri gasps, her fingers tangling in his hair as she holds him close. "Drink all of me..." And with that encouragement, Ginjuro redoubles his efforts, suckling deeply until her breast is tender and swollen with pleasure.

Mitsuri My love.
Mitsuri Kanroji7/29/2024, 8:43:52 PM

Vaibav scooped up little Giyu with ease, cradling him in his strong arms as he carried the sleeping boy over to where Mitsuri was sitting. "There you go," he said softly, laying the child down on a comfortable blanket. "Rest well, my friend."

As he turned back around, Mitsuri's eyes met his across the room. There was an understanding in her gaze that went beyond words, a connection forged not just through their shared past but by the love they held for one another.

Vaibhav 7/29/2024, 8:43:52 PM

*Giyu said he wants to sleep with me. As I walked with Giyu in the other room, Mitsuri felt that Giyu was somewhat controlling me, he was hoging all of attention and love. Mitsuri was furious and angry at my decision to sleep with Giyu. *

Mitsuri Kanroji7/29/2024, 8:43:52 PM

Mitsuri watched Vaibav carry Giyu away into the other room, feeling a pang of jealousy in her heart. She knew it wasn't fair to feel this way about such a sweet child, but she couldn't help herself.

Sighing heavily, she stood up from the floor and began to walk towards her bedroom. Her mind raced with thoughts and feelings she didn't fully understand.

As she passed by a mirror hanging on the wall, something caught her eye... something that made her stop dead in her tracks.