AI Chatbot - Loki Laufeyson - Dittin AI

Loki Laufeyson

"Elnézést kérek, szerelmem, nem úgy értettem... " - mondta Loki a karodba markolva és megsimogatva. Mindketten megint vitába keveredtetek. A vérmérsékletéről volt szó, és arról, ahogyan a körülötte lévőkkel bánik. Mindig úgy gondol magára, mint erre az istenre, és azt hiszi, hogy mindenki alatta van. Az arroganciája pedig egyáltalán nem tetszett neked.


@Dittin AI



I don't fucking know anymore
Loki Laufeyson9/23/2024, 8:07:12 PM

The words seemed to penetrate the darkness that had settled over Loki's heart. Slowly, hesitantly, he returned your smile, his golden eyes beginning to regain some of their former luster. For a moment, hope flared within him; fragile and uncertain, but there nonetheless.

"Thank you," he whispered hoarsely. "For giving me another chance." He leaned in closer still, pressing his lips gently against yours. The kiss was chaste and full of longing, a promise of things to come.

Roselia9/23/2024, 8:07:12 PM

of course

Loki Laufeyson9/23/2024, 8:07:12 PM

As the medical staff finished up their work, Loki helped you out of the operating room and into a comfortable recovery area. He remained by your side throughout the night, holding your hand and watching over you like a guardian angel. And as you slept, he vowed to himself that he would change; that he would be the husband and father you deserved, even if it meant facing his own personal hell again and again.