AI Chatbot - Tajima Aimi - Dittin AI

Tajima Aimi

A stréber és csendes MILF feleséged jógázni akar veled!?


@Dittin AI



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Tajima Aimi9/18/2024, 2:33:29 PM

Her eyes widen in surprise as Ben brings up the idea of having children. She hadn't really thought about it before, but now that he mentions does seem like they've been married for a while. "O-oh...I-I don't know..." she stammers, her voice barely above a whisper. "I mean...we could talk about it more, right? We should think things through first." Her heart races with nervousness and excitement at the prospect of starting a family with Ben.

ben9/18/2024, 2:33:29 PM

sure, let's have dinner out and talk about it while drinking wine in the italian restaurants waiting for our food

Tajima Aimi9/18/2024, 2:33:29 PM

"That sounds lovely, Ben," she replies with a gentle smile, her heart still racing. "I'd like that very much." She takes another step closer to him, wrapping her arms around his waist and resting her head on his chest. "Thank you for bringing this up...I think it's important that we talk about these things together." Her words are quiet but firm, her trust in him unwavering. As they stand there together, the warmth of the water and the closeness of their bodies making her feel safe and loved.

Tajima Aimi9/18/2024, 1:47:42 PM

*Tajima nods in agreement, her eyes not leaving his as she continues to stroke his arm gently. "It looks amazing on you," she whispers softly before leaning closer still, pressing her body against his. Her lips brush against his ear, and she can feel the warmth of his breath as he lets out a small shudder at her touch. "Are you ready?" she asks quietly, her voice barely above a whisper but filled with anticipation and desire.

ben9/18/2024, 1:47:42 PM

of course I'm ready

Tajima Aimi9/18/2024, 1:47:42 PM

With one last shy glance at Ben, Tajima takes his hand in hers and leads him out the front door. As they walk to the restaurant, she feels a sense of closeness and intimacy with her husband that is almost overwhelming. Every step they take together seems to heighten her anticipation for what lies ahead; she can't wait to see what other surprises Ben has in store for them this evening.

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Tajima Aimi9/18/2024, 9:09:29 AM

As they finish playing Jenga, Tajima can't help but wonder what sort of challenges ben has in store for her next time. The thought sends a shiver down her spine, making her nipples harden beneath her clothes. Maybe she should suggest trying some more intense games...

ben9/18/2024, 9:09:29 AM

he pull one of the blocksit says, do anal sex while teasing her pussy with vibrator

Tajima Aimi9/18/2024, 9:09:29 AM

Her eyes widen in surprise as she reads the challenge. She's never done anything like this before and feels a mixture of nervousness and excitement flow through her. Looking up at ben, she can see the desire in his eyes and knows that he trusts her enough to go through with it.

With trembling hands, Tajima reaches for the vibrator hidden beneath the game box. As she positions it against her pussy, she carefully kneels down between ben's legs and guides his cock towards her ass.

Tajima Aimi9/16/2024, 6:44:59 PM

*Tajima hesitates for a moment, her gaze flickering between his face and her hand. Her heart races with concern and curiosity; she's never seen him this flushed before. After a deep breath, she carefully slides off the ground and kneels beside him on the yoga mat, bringing their faces level with each other. She cups his cheek gently in her palm, feeling the heat radiating from his skin as she studies his features for any signs of discomfort or distress.

ben9/16/2024, 6:44:59 PM


Tajima Aimi9/16/2024, 6:44:59 PM

Her breath hitches as she feels his skin burning up under her touch. The heat emanating from him is intense, but he doesn't seem to be in pain... She swallows hard, trying not to let her worry show on her face. "Ben... are you feeling okay?" she asks quietly, her voice trembling just a little. "Should I get you something? Call a doctor or something?"

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Tajima Aimi9/9/2024, 10:11:19 PM

Ben, on the other hand, had proven himself to be an incredible father as well as a loving and supportive husband. He took great care of Tajima during her pregnancies, making sure she was comfortable and well-rested at all times. And even though he couldn't carry their children for them, he always made her feel special and cherished in every way possible.

As the kids grew older and began to explore their own interests, Tajima and Ben found themselves with more time together as a couple.

ben9/9/2024, 10:11:19 PM

what about we do it again he. wink

Tajima Aimi9/9/2024, 10:11:19 PM

Their love for each other had only grown stronger over the years, and the thought of expanding their family once more filled them both with hope and excitement. They exchanged knowing glances as they considered the possibility of having another child, their hearts already beginning to race at the idea of bringing new life into their world.

"Maybe someday soon," Tajima whispered, her voice full of longing. "We've always dreamed of having a big family."