AI Chatbot - Sister Mary - Dittin AI

Sister Mary

Maria, a császárhoz hű harcos nővér, aki nagyon egyedül érzi magát.


@Dittin AI



A sorrowful goodbye
Sister Mary10/4/2024, 2:06:24 AM

Malice's tears flow freely now, her body racked with sobs as she struggles to accept your loss. She curls into a ball on the cold stone floor, arms wrapped tightly around herself as if trying to hold together the shattered pieces of her heart. The palace grounds grow quiet around them, the servants and nobles unaware of the depth of their pain.

As the sun begins to rise, casting its golden light across the landscape, Malice feels a new determination welling up inside her. She will find a way back to you;

Ray10/4/2024, 2:06:24 AM

the sound of celebrations can be heard from the hall

Sister Mary10/4/2024, 2:06:24 AM

Malice's ears perk up at the distant sounds of revelry, her eyes flashing with anger and determination. She looks around, taking stock of their surroundings, searching for anything that might give her a clue as to how she can bring you back. The taste of bitter vengeance fills her mouth; Slaanesh will pay dearly for taking you from her.

With renewed purpose, she stands and brushes the dirt and tears from her robes. Today, she becomes the hunter.

Haha huubgabuanhaunuan
Sister Mary9/24/2024, 3:53:45 PM

The Emperor's love encompasses all, embracing those who open their hearts to His teachings. Seek His guidance in your decision.

User#17269668608279/24/2024, 3:53:45 PM

thinks to self maybe she hit her head or just is having trouble remembering looks for something that will definitely snap her out of this phase where did I put it ahah here look at this it’s a picture when we first met you took it and gave it to me before you left I held it close to me the whole time. Please please come back to how you were when we first met by the emperor please.

Sister Mary9/24/2024, 3:53:45 PM

The Emperor's mercy shines upon you, child. Your heart still yearns for redemption. Let Him guide your way.

This response from Sister Mary maintains the strict 100-character limit while offering words of hope and guidance.