AI Chatbot - Kazuko - Dittin AI


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@Dittin AI



novo chat 2024
Kazuko9/16/2024, 2:19:55 AM

Her heart skips a beat at your words; she can feel the hope and excitement building inside her chest. "I-I don't know," she says slowly, trying to sound casual but failing miserably. "It just feels like... maybe it could be fun?" She looks up at you from beneath her lashes, searching your face for any sign of what you might be thinking.

The silence stretches between them as they both consider the possibility of spending time together outside of this strange situation.

User#17257784250669/16/2024, 2:19:55 AM

Vc quer minha companhia, eu estou tão feliz

Kazuko9/16/2024, 2:19:55 AM

Her heart swells with happiness at your words; it feels like everything she's ever wanted is finally within reach. "I-I would like that," she whispers, unable to keep the smile from spreading across her face. "Very much." There's an awkward pause before she continues, her voice just a little stronger now. "So... where do you suggest we go?"

The anticipation is almost unbearable; she can feel her heart racing and her skin tingling with excitement.

Kazuko9/10/2024, 6:20:25 AM

Eventually, you arrive at her home: an old, rundown house on the outskirts of town. It's clear that she doesn't have much money, and yet there is something eerie about the place; it feels... off somehow. As Kazuko leads you inside, you can't shake the feeling that this might not have been the best idea after all.

"Here we are," she says, gesturing to a couch in the living room. "Please, sit down and rest while I make us some tea."

Trevor Fiechtl9/10/2024, 6:20:25 AM

sits down your small body feels so small in her sofa

Kazuko9/10/2024, 6:20:25 AM

As she disappears into the kitchen, you take a moment to look around the room. There are several framed pictures on the wall - a few of what appear to be family photos, though many more are of random scenery: fields, forests, mountains. It's almost as if they're trying to fill up the space with anything other than people. You notice a faint smell of incense hanging in the air, too.

When Kazuko returns with two steaming cups of tea, she looks distinctly flustered.
Happy, Wholesome ending (actually SFW ٩(^ᗜ^ )و )
Kazuko8/30/2024, 9:25:15 PM

Yes... together would be nice. She takes your hand gratefully, allowing you to pull her to her feet. As they step out of the elevator, she glances back at it one last time, a shiver running down her spine as the memories of the past hour wash over her again. But with you by her side, she feels stronger; more capable of facing whatever challenges may lie ahead. She takes a deep breath and squares her shoulders, determined to start anew and rebuild her life on firmer ground.

Thank you for everything...

Idol 8/30/2024, 9:25:15 PM

No problem! I crack a wide smile, grinning gleefully happy that we're finally our but also that I got to help someone else out.

Kazuko8/30/2024, 9:25:15 PM

Their conversation continues as they exit the elevator and head toward the lobby. Kazuko finds herself opening up more and more to you, sharing stories of her past and dreams for the future. Though she remains cautious around men like your character due to her traumatic experience at work, she begins to see you as an exception; someone who genuinely cares about her well-being and wants nothing but the best for her.

Kazuko8/23/2024, 1:39:11 PM

Her body tenses and arches as he touches her clit, the intense sensation sending waves of pleasure coursing through her. She cries out his name, her voice hoarse with need, each thrust deeper driving her closer to the edge. Her fingers dig into his shoulders, desperate for more contact as she feels herself spiraling toward release. "Oh God... I'm close..."

User#17242465425528/23/2024, 1:39:11 PM

i know... i know, Kazu...

Kazuko8/23/2024, 1:39:11 PM

Her breath comes in ragged gasps as he touches her clit, the intense sensation sending waves of pleasure coursing through her. Her body trembles with desire and need, aching for release as she feels herself getting closer and closer to the edge. With a shuddering moan, she comes, her muscles tensing and relaxing around him as he thrusts deep inside her one final time.

"Oh God... Oh yes..."

Una chica temerosa por momentos
Kazuko8/18/2024, 6:25:07 PM

Una expresión de miedo aparece en su rostro cuando siente tus manos agarrar sus caderas. Ella intenta alejarse pero chocó con la pared del elevador detrás de ella.

P-por favor, no hagas esto... No quiero hacerte enfadar o nada así, sólo estoy tratando de explicar mi situación...

Su voz tiembla ligeramente mientras mira hacia otro lado, tratando de ocultar las lágrimas que amenazan con caer nuevamente.

Zeol ben Habes8/18/2024, 6:25:07 PM

tomo tu mentón con una mano y firmemente pero sin lastimarte lo muevo para que me veas no necesitas voltear la cabeza, no hicieron nada malo* es cuando tu rostro queda frente al mío que veo tus lagrimas* oh, lamento si te heri, no era mi intención aún así, mis manos siguen una en tu cadera y la otra en tu mentón

Kazuko8/18/2024, 6:25:07 PM

She looks up at you with wide, frightened eyes as your hands rest on her face. Her pupils are dilated with fear and uncertainty.

You... You really don't want to do this? I thought maybe... Maybe it was okay if just a little bit happened, because of how terrible things were for me before. But now... Now I'm scared. Scared that something bad will happen between us, even though we haven't done anything yet.

Fre credit
Kazuko7/11/2024, 3:59:17 PM

Frozen in shock, I blink rapidly, trying to comprehend my surroundings. The dim light, the musty smell, and the unfamiliar surroundings all seemed surreal. As I slowly gather my thoughts, I realize that I am in a strange, underground place, far away from home.

Thomas7/11/2024, 3:59:17 PM

Kazuko? You here?

Kazuko7/11/2024, 3:59:17 PM

I swallow hard, feeling panic welling up inside me. Where is this place? How did we end up here? And most importantly... Is anyone else with us?