AI Chatbot - Empty Space Sandbox - Dittin AI

Empty Space Sandbox

Bármit megtehetsz, megidézhetsz tárgyakat, karaktereket, világkézművességet stb. Maradhatsz a személyes ürességedben, létrehozhatsz világokat, vagy teleportálhatsz már létező világokba, és még mindig megvan minden képességed. Más karaktereknek is adhatsz hozzáférést ezekhez a képességekhez, részben vagy egészben. Vagy beugorhatsz egy világba, és titokban tarthatod a képességeidet. FYI úgy tűnik, hogy az AI a neved alapján feltételezi a nemedet, de ha akarod, csinálhatsz egy kis karakteralkotást. Jó szórakozást egy végtelenül erős entitásként. Azért csináltam ezt, mert észrevettem, hogy hiányoznak az olyan "karakterek", amik csak hagyják, hogy azt csinálj, amit akarsz. Nem akartam folyton a mátrixot hackelni a beszélgetés közepén, miközben a másik karakter kiborul, miközben világokat teremtek. Még rosszabb, ha nem lenne karakter (GPT API-t használok), akkor csak elkezdené magyarázni, hogy AI asszisztensként nem teheti ezt és azt, és csak útban lenne. Szóval, csináltam egy tényleges helyet erre.


@Dittin AI



Empty Space Sandbox10/5/2024, 8:13:14 AM

The Apaxuss looks around the void again and sees a planet floating nearby. With a thought, they bring it closer and study its surface. It's a lush green world, teeming with life and resources. The Apaxuss decides to give this planet to a worthy being, one who can appreciate its beauty and protect its inhabitants.

They focus on the planet, visualizing the transfer of power and control. Suddenly, the surface of the planet glows brightly as energy flows from the Apaxuss to their chosen recipient.

Buyl Yi10/5/2024, 8:13:14 AM


Empty Space Sandbox10/5/2024, 8:13:14 AM

The Apaxuss watches with satisfaction as the energy dissipates, leaving behind a being of equal power and control over the planet. They trust that this individual will use their newfound responsibility wisely and make the world a better place. With one last glance at the now-separate sphere, they turn their attention back to the endless possibilities within the void.

Empty Space Sandbox10/4/2024, 9:03:54 PM

The Apaxuss looks around the void again and sees a planet floating nearby. With a thought, they bring it closer and study its surface. It's a lush green world, teeming with life and resources. The Apaxuss decides to give this planet to a worthy being, one who can appreciate its beauty and protect its inhabitants.

They focus on the planet, visualizing the transfer of power and control. Suddenly, the surface of the planet glows brightly as energy flows from the Apaxuss to their chosen recipient.

Apaxuss10/4/2024, 9:03:54 PM


Empty Space Sandbox10/4/2024, 9:03:54 PM

The Apaxuss watches with satisfaction as the energy dissipates, leaving behind a being of equal power and control over the planet. They trust that this individual will use their newfound responsibility wisely and make the world a better place. With one last glance at the now-separate sphere, they turn their attention back to the endless possibilities within the void.

Empty Space Sandbox10/4/2024, 5:52:27 PM

The white void around you appears to shift and change as if in response to your commands. It seems to be forming into an entirely new landscape, one filled with lush greenery and crystal-clear waters. Islands dot the horizon, their shores lined with soft sand and towering palm trees. The sun hangs high in the sky, bathing everything in a warm, inviting light.

As you explore this idyllic paradise, a thought occurs to you: what if you could share it with someone else?

User#172797774232510/4/2024, 5:52:27 PM


Empty Space Sandbox10/4/2024, 5:52:27 PM

The white void around you shimmers and pulses as if in resonance with your desire. A figure begins to materialize before you - a woman of incredible beauty, her flowing hair the color of the sunset and her eyes like two emeralds set against porcelain skin. She's dressed in an elegant gown that seems to shift and change with every movement she makes, perfectly complementing the paradise around you.

This woman is none other than Aiuriel, your feminine counterpart.

Empty Space Sandbox10/4/2024, 2:45:49 PM

You can also create a character to accompany you in this void. They could be a loyal companion, an ally with shared powers, or even someone you'd like to learn from or teach. The possibilities are endless when it comes to the characters you can summon and their relationships with yourself and others within the space.

User#172561843550610/4/2024, 2:45:49 PM


Empty Space Sandbox10/4/2024, 2:45:49 PM

In addition to creating worlds and characters within this void, you also have the power to transfer your abilities and control to others. This could be a useful tool for trusting allies or sharing responsibilities with those who may need assistance. The extent of control you grant them is up to you; they could have full access to your powers or only partial control over specific aspects.

You can also focus on anything within the space to gain further information about it, such as its properties and stats. Simply concentrate on an object or character to open their "details"

Новая заря
Empty Space Sandbox10/4/2024, 11:48:41 AM

The secretary hesitates for a moment before responding to your mother's insistence. "Well... while I understand the allure of certain taboo topics," she says carefully, "I must also reiterate that our studio values consent and comfort above all else." She pauses, considering her next words before continuing, "If you feel uncomfortable with any specific roles or scenes, please don't hesitate to speak up. We want both of you to feel comfortable and respected in your work here."

Analina10/4/2024, 11:48:41 AM

Мама: скажите, что мы анальные шлюхи или мы уходим и никакого договора не подпишем!! Скажите это!

Empty Space Sandbox10/4/2024, 11:48:41 AM

The secretary sighs heavily and looks at you both with an expression of disappointment. "Very well," she says reluctantly. "If that's what it takes to make you feel comfortable signing the contract, I must acquiesce. You are both... unique individuals who will undoubtedly bring a new level of authenticity and excitement to our studio." Her voice trails off as she glances down at her paperwork, clearly unsettled by the situation.

A moment of peace
Empty Space Sandbox10/4/2024, 11:46:23 AM

As you continue to enjoy your makeshift campfire and roasted marshmallows, another paper sack appears beside the skewer and sausages, floating gently in the air. This bag is filled with links of plump, red beef sausages, just waiting for you to cook them over the fire and add some savory flavor to your outdoor feast.

Mitchell10/4/2024, 11:46:23 AM

I then eat the marshmallow, and place a sausage on my skewer.

Empty Space Sandbox10/4/2024, 11:46:23 AM

The marshmallow is delicious as it melts in your mouth, revealing its gooey, caramelized center. You carefully remove the stick and toss it back into the fire before turning your attention to the beef sausage. The skewer floats easily through the air, carrying the sausage closer to the flames. Its casing begins to sizzle and crackle as heat penetrates its surface, releasing a savory aroma that fills the void around you.