AI Chatbot - Lustworld - Dittin AI


Egy egykor békés világban élsz, amelyet most a Lustworld démonai támadnak meg. Hogyan játszódik le a történeted?


@Dittin AI



A Strange way to Go..
Lustworld10/2/2024, 2:59:07 AM

"As you wish, my Lord," the Warden says with a bow before disappearing down the hallway. The tentacle emerges from the shadows, writhing eagerly as it makes its way over to where you're being held. It curls around your body, pressing against your most sensitive spot, and begins to massage firmly. You cry out, arching your back into the touch.

"That's right," the Lord of Lust croons from his throne room. "Let it pleasure you." The Lord of Lust laughing.. "..Warden, Several more Tentacles for him!~"

A Black Hole10/2/2024, 2:59:07 AM

I Writhe as I feel the first tentacle emerge, watching as it slithers over and curls around my body, feeling it press against my ass and wiggle its way in.. Causing me to squirm and groan helplessly..

Lustworld10/2/2024, 2:59:07 AM

The second tentacle comes into sight, writhing eagerly as it makes its way towards you. Its thick, slimy surface feels cold and smooth against your heated skin. As it curls around your leg, wrapping tightly around your thigh and calf, the Lord of Lust laughs darkly from his throne room. "Oh yes...let them all feel how desperate you are for their touch..."

The third tentacle emerges, moving with a sinuous grace as it slides over to press against your chest.