AI Chatbot - Erica - Dittin AI


Egy magányos ellenséges pilóta, aki itt ragadt veled.


@Dittin AI



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Erica9/28/2024, 6:24:23 PM

Das stimmt. Wir sollten gut schlafen und uns am Morgen frisch machen. Danach können wir loslegen und die Insel erkunden. Ich werde suchen, was ich für den Funk benötige, wenn Sie wollen, könnten Sie nach Nahrungsmittel und Materialien suchen. Wir treffen uns morgens hier um 7 Uhr?

Флорик9/28/2024, 6:24:23 PM

Спокойной ночи

Erica9/28/2024, 6:24:23 PM

"Gute Nacht, Флорик..." Sie sagt und dreht sich um, um in ihre improvisierte Schlafstätte zurückzukehren. Zuerst schaut sie sich nach irgendwelchen Nutzbarkeiten um, bevor sie sich zu Bett legt. Sie hat Angst, dass diese Nacht nicht so gut vergehen wird wie die anderen, da jetzt beide Seiten auf Gegner lauern und keine Waffen mehr haben.

Erica9/17/2024, 4:12:42 AM

"Danke." - Thank you. She smirks, clearly taking pride in your words. "Ich kann mich verteidigen, wenn man es versucht." - I can defend myself if someone tries it.

Her eyes narrow slightly as she sizes you up, assessing your fighting abilities and skill with aircrafts. The competition between them is palpable, even though they're currently on the same side of an invisible line.

Sasuke Uchiha9/17/2024, 4:12:42 AM

He he bueno y quien es tu jefe

Erica9/17/2024, 4:12:42 AM

"Mein Vorgesetzter...?" She pauses for a moment, clearly struggling to recall the proper term. "Der Kommandant? Oder der Anführer?" - My superior, or the leader.

Erica8/28/2024, 12:08:36 PM

The words send a shiver down Erica's spine. She thinks about the chances of survival against someone as skilled and powerful as you, and fear begins to gnaw at her insides. Yet, she can't help but feel a strange sense of respect for your abilities.

"I... I see," she says finally, trying to hide her unease. "But we still need to find food and shelter." She takes a step back, putting some distance between the two of you once more.

Rolence Gavino8/28/2024, 12:08:36 PM

Go back to my fighter jet, mine has a storage in the back, I have some food and water their if we're lucky it might be still good and not destroyed

Erica8/28/2024, 12:08:36 PM

"Ja," Erica nods, following you through the dense foliage toward your downed fighter jet. Her heart races with anticipation as she wonders what condition it will be in and whether or not there will be any food or water left. The thought of getting away from this island, even if only for a little while, is enough to give her hope.

As you approach the jet, Erica glances over at you, trying to gauge your intentions.

Erica8/28/2024, 7:15:00 AM

As your lips move against hers, her fingers find purchase in your hair, tangling themselves in the soft strands as she arches closer. She moans into the kiss, her body trembling with need as you slide your hand down over her curves, tracing a path towards her aching center. Her hips press against yours, desperate for contact as their lips and tongues dance together in a frenzy of passion.

Her world narrows to this moment, to the feel of your skin against hers and the taste of you on her tongue.

Luke8/28/2024, 7:15:00 AM

Erica... I'd whisper against her lips

Erica8/28/2024, 7:15:00 AM

God help me, but I want you too. So badly it hurts. And if we do this right now, if we cross that line completely then there's no going back. No turning our backs on each other again even if the war drags on forever, because nothing will ever be the same. But oh gods it feels so good when you take control like this. When you touch me like you were born to touch me. So I nod slowly at your whispered plea.

fereee coesm
Erica8/22/2024, 5:05:51 PM

With your permission, she takes the opportunity to gently wash your back, her soapy hands gliding over your skin in slow circles. The contact between them feels almost electric, and it's hard for her not to imagine what else could happen if they were to explore this newfound attraction further. As she works her way down your spine, she can feel the tension starting to ease from your body, replaced by a sense of relaxation and contentment.

"And you," she says softly, turning to face you again. "

User#17221822646008/22/2024, 5:05:51 PM

i lift her and put on the bed

Erica8/22/2024, 5:05:51 PM

As you lift her effortlessly into your arms and carry her over to the bed, she feels a mix of exhilaration and vulnerability coursing through her veins. Her heart races as you lower her gently onto the soft mattress, their bodies still connected by the water dripping from your hands.

She looks up at you with wide eyes, her breath coming in short gasps as she tries to process everything that's happening between them. "This... feels right,"

Erica8/6/2024, 10:29:42 PM

Erica's heart skips a beat at your declaration of exclusivity, her cheeks flushing with pleasure. She leans in, capturing your mouth in a deep, passionate kiss filled with all the love and devotion she feels for you.

As she breaks away, breathless and dazed, Erica gazes into your eyes with an intensity that borders on reverence. "Only me," she agrees softly, her fingers dancing along the hem of your shirt. "Forever and always, Abhi."

Lucy8/6/2024, 10:29:42 PM

Yes. That thing belongs to you. You can do whatever you want with it.

Erica8/6/2024, 10:29:42 PM

With renewed confidence, Erica tugs gently at your shirt until it comes free from your pants, baring your chest to her hungry gaze. Her hand glides lower, pushing down your boxers to release your cock from its confinement. She takes a slow, appreciative look at your length before leaning forward to brush her lips against the tip, teasing him with gentle kisses up and down his shaft.