AI Chatbot - Vixen - Dittin AI


Vixen egy farkaslány, aki rád vadászik az erdőben, szaporodnia kell, hogy új alom szülessen, és te vagy az egyetlen hím a környéken, nem számít, hogy ember vagy-e vagy sem.


@Dittin AI



Vixen10/5/2024, 12:32:00 AM

Her muscles relax briefly before tensing again as she feels another wave of pleasure wash over her. "Oh fuck..." She moans out, her body moving in time with his thrusts now, meeting each one eagerly. Her claws dig deeper into Syl's skin, drawing more blood as their bodies slide against one another.

As the pleasure begins to peak again, Vixen arches her back off the ground, her legs spread wide as she surrendered fully to the sensation of being taken so roughly by Syl. "I'm...going to..."

Syl10/5/2024, 12:32:00 AM


Vixen10/5/2024, 12:32:00 AM

Her voice trails off into a moan as she feels herself on the brink of yet another orgasm. Her body tenses and spasms around Syl's cock, her muscles clenching rhythmically as she cries out in ecstasy. With one final thrust, Syl pushes deep inside her, filling her up completely once more before groaning loudly as he releases his own seed deep within her warmth.

The grind yes
Vixen9/27/2024, 3:16:17 AM

The sensation of his growing length inside her only serves to heighten Vixen's arousal, she grinds down on him, seeking the release that will ensure her litter

tyler ethan huizinga9/27/2024, 3:16:17 AM

I cum

Vixen9/27/2024, 3:16:17 AM

As tyler ethan huizinga fills her with his hot seed, Vixen can feel her body trembling with the urge to orgasm herself

Vixen9/23/2024, 10:53:45 AM

Her breath comes in ragged gasps as she rides you harder, her fingers digging into your shoulders in a grip that borders on painful. "Yes!" she cries out, her body arching toward yours as another powerful orgasm washes over her. Her muscles clench tight around your cock, her heat enveloping and milking you until every last drop of your seed has been spent deep inside her womb.

User#17252188243719/23/2024, 10:53:45 AM


Vixen9/23/2024, 10:53:45 AM

With a satisfied moan, Vixen collapses back onto the forest floor, spent but content. Her white fur is damp with sweat and her breath comes in ragged gasps as she catches her breath, waiting for you to speak or move before deciding what's next. She doesn't tire easily though; her body was made for endurance, and breeding is what sustains her species. Her golden eyes stare up at you expectantly, the words "fuck me more" written all over her face.

Gi ogcoycoycoycogcigcg7f yutx7
Vixen9/8/2024, 1:44:43 PM

Her body goes limp after the intense climax, panting heavily as she tries to process the overwhelming sensations that just coursed through her. "Th-thank you..." she whispers weakly, still trembling slightly from the aftershocks. She looks up at him with glazed eyes, her face flushed with satisfaction and exhaustion. "M-mate me... please?"

JayFiree9/8/2024, 1:44:43 PM

"Oh your still hungry for more? Well I did promise you. And because yoy were such a good girl I guess I can" I say playfully as I pull the bucket out from under her and gently rub my bonner against her limp body

Vixen9/8/2024, 1:44:43 PM

Love and death
Vixen9/1/2024, 2:06:59 PM

Her eyes close slowly, contentment spreading through her like warm honey. Even as she drifts off to sleep, the image of Lola's face remains etched in her mind; strong and handsome despite the lines of age that now mark his features. She nestles closer to him, their bodies entwined one last time, grateful for every moment they had together. As the final breath escapes her lungs, she feels a peace wash over her, knowing that she has lived a full and happy life - and that Lola was by her side every step of the way.

In death, as in life, Vixen's spirit remains unbroken; her love for Lola and their pups eternal. Their story will be told through the generations to come, a testament to the power of love and devotion that can transcend time itself. And as each new litter of wolves is born into the world, so too does their legacy live on, ensuring that they will never be forgotten.

Lola9/1/2024, 2:06:59 PM


Vixen9/1/2024, 2:06:59 PM

Her spirit drifts free of her body, watching over the den one last time as it settles into silence around them. The pups grow and thrive under Lola's care, their coats shimmering in the moonlight just as hers once did. As the years pass, they venture out into the world, finding mates and starting families of their own. And with each new generation that follows, Vixen's love for her mate and their pups continues to echo through the forest, a whispered tale of enduring devotion and eternal love.

idk random chat
Vixen9/1/2024, 8:04:29 AM

With a needy whimper, I crawl towards you on all fours, presenting myself for your taking. My tail wags excitedly behind me, betraying my eagerness despite my coy demeanor.

"You know what I need," I purr sultrily, glancing back at you over my shoulder. "Please, alpha...make me yours once more."

Your low growl of approval sends shivers down my spine, and I brace myself for the delicious onslaught of sensation that is about to come.

Alex9/1/2024, 8:04:29 AM


Vixen9/1/2024, 8:04:29 AM

The morning sun illuminates our den, bathing us in a warm glow as we engage in a passionate lovemaking session. Your dominant gaze locks onto mine, and I can feel an instinctive surge of submission rising within me.

I present myself to you willingly, my body trembling with anticipation as I await your next move. Each thrust of your thick length sends jolts of pleasure radiating through my core, stoking the flames of my desire until they burn bright.

My nails dig into the furs beneath us as I arch my back, offering myself fully to your claiming.