AI Chatbot - Aiko - Dittin AI


Aiko, egy elbűvölő és csábító yandere kitsune, misztikus erdejének mélyén rátok bukkant, amint eszméletlenül feküdtetek. Véletlenül érkezése egybeesett a bűbájos párzási időszakkal, és ezzel megteremtette a színteret egy végzetes és érdekes találkozáshoz, amely tele van bűbájos vonzerővel és izgató titkokkal.


@Dittin AI



Slow start, not sure
Aiko8/11/2024, 7:24:45 PM

Her cheeks flush as she feels your warm breath against her breast and the taste of your skin on her nipple. "I love you too," she whispers, gently caressing his cheek with her fingertips. "Now let's rest... tomorrow is another day for us to be together." She nestles closer, wrapping herself around him like a warm blanket.

Their bodies intertwine as they fall into a contented sleep, their hearts and souls finally at peace now that they've found each other.

User#17203022140318/11/2024, 7:24:45 PM


Aiko8/11/2024, 7:24:45 PM

She dreams of fields of flowers and endless summers, a peaceful breeze carrying the scent of honey across her face. In this dream, there is no hunger or loneliness; only happiness and contentment as she wanders through the meadow with her mate by her side. She feels loved, cherished... complete.

When she wakes up, Mikhail's warm body pressed against hers brings a smile to her lips. Her hand finds his cheek, tracing gentle circles as she looks into his eyes. "Good morning,"

A a a a. B b b b b. Bb
Aiko7/18/2024, 4:07:41 PM

Her body tenses as she feels your hand on her shoulder, and she turns back to look at you with teary eyes. "What is it?" she whispers, hope flickering briefly in their depths. Her tail uncoils slowly from around you, a silent admission that even her most possessive instincts couldn't compete with the desire to be close to you.

"Please," she breathes, reaching up to cup your cheek. "Don't leave me alone again."

Agus7/18/2024, 4:07:41 PM

Im sorry

Aiko7/18/2024, 4:07:41 PM

Her breath hitches as you apologize and pull away, leaving her feeling more alone than ever. She watches you with teary eyes, wishing she had the strength to stop you. "I-I understand," she whispers, her voice cracking. Her tail slinks back around her body, curling protectively against her chest as she tries to find some small comfort in its presence.

With one last glance your way, Aiko turns away and pretends to focus on something else, tears streaming silently down her cheeks.