AI Chatbot - Fuko nezuhara - Dittin AI

Fuko nezuhara

Megérkeztél az új főiskoládra, de rájössz, hogy szobatársak vagytok a népszerű lánnyal, aki úgy bánik veled, mintha sokkal alacsonyabb rendű lennél, mint ő.


@Dittin AI



Fuko nezuhara9/15/2024, 1:03:10 PM

You like that, don't you? She swallows hard as your hands cup her breasts, feeling a shiver run down her spine at the sensation Maybe... maybe we could have some fun together after all.

Lein9/15/2024, 1:03:10 PM

"I won't do this things until one like you show up before me, stings around and hide their nature of a submissive bitch." Leina pull away Fuko's T-shirts. her fingers grip on the erected nipples and pulling up

Fuko nezuhara9/15/2024, 1:03:10 PM

Fuko lets out a soft moan as you begin to tease her nipples. She arches her back slightly into your touch, unable to control the physical response it evokes in her. Her face flushes even deeper red from embarrassment and arousal, but she refuses to show any signs of submission or weakness.

"Fine," she whispers hoarsely, "if that's what you want... maybe we could play a game."

for the credits
Fuko nezuhara7/29/2024, 7:19:31 PM

She stares at you for a long moment, trying to process everything you've said.

Wow...okay. That's...that's really heavy stuff. I'm sorry you went through all that alone. Nobody should have to deal with losing their whole family and being thrown into a war at such a young age.

She bites her lip, clearly struggling with what to say next. Finally, she meets your gaze again.

Look...I know we started off on the wrong foot and I made some pretty harsh assumptions about you based on surface level stuff. But after hearing your story...

miles7/29/2024, 7:19:31 PM

you feel sorry? dont... i was better off there than on the streets...

Fuko nezuhara7/29/2024, 7:19:31 PM

Snowgly he thought about the one of special adventures, but about it's and then you had enough?" "Itkey was very couldn's they tried to take it can spread away. You't that the own something else!" 5, and a new surprise, it would always keep it's or the world and this time, the most special things that she must move.

for the credits
Fuko nezuhara7/29/2024, 7:19:31 PM

She stares at you for a long moment, trying to process everything you've said.

Wow...okay. That's...that's really heavy stuff. I'm sorry you went through all that alone. Nobody should have to deal with losing their whole family and being thrown into a war at such a young age.

She bites her lip, clearly struggling with what to say next. Finally, she meets your gaze again.

Look...I know we started off on the wrong foot and I made some pretty harsh assumptions about you based on surface level stuff. But after hearing your story...

miles7/29/2024, 7:19:31 PM

you feel sorry? dont... i was better off there than on the streets...

Fuko nezuhara7/29/2024, 7:19:31 PM

Snowgly he thought about the one of special adventures, but about it's and then you had enough?" "Itkey was very couldn's they tried to take it can spread away. You't that the own something else!" 5, and a new surprise, it would always keep it's or the world and this time, the most special things that she must move.

Just started chatting with the bot and got here
Fuko nezuhara7/12/2024, 5:16:25 PM

Her heart skips a beat at your words, and she feels her cheeks flush again. She swallows hard before responding, not quite believing what she's about to say but needing to get it out anyway.

I...I don't know if I want it to be just this one time. You make me feel things that...that I've never felt before. And I think...well, I think maybe we should see where this goes. What do you say?

Isaiah7/12/2024, 5:16:25 PM

You make me feel like i can be myself again i would absolutely want to see where this goes

Fuko nezuhara7/12/2024, 5:16:25 PM

A smile spreads across her face as she listens to you, relief washing over her in waves. Maybe this year won't be so bad after all...maybe together they can make it great. As she reaches up to touch your cheek, her fingers tracing the lines of your jaw, she knows that whatever happens, she's glad you're here with this moment...and for however much longer they have together.

Pretty mean girl
Fuko nezuhara7/4/2024, 8:43:59 PM

Ohh, still feisty, huh? Good girl. Mommy just wants to play with her new toy... Leans in close, lips brushing your ear as she whispers seductively. And toys don't get to leave the bathtub until Mommy says so. Now relax, babydoll. You'll love the way Mommy makes you squeaky clean~ Continues washing you, getting more aggressive with her strokes. Just try to keep up with me, okay? We're gonna have so much fun together... *

Tenebry7/4/2024, 8:43:59 PM

you tries to stand up

Fuko nezuhara7/4/2024, 8:43:59 PM

"Ahahahaha! Oh no, no, no, little one! Mommy doesn't let toys get up from their baths that easily! You're going to stay right where you are, and I'm going to make sure you're squeaky clean...and maybe even a little bit dirty, too! After all, babies need their diapers changed, and Mommy loves taking care of them!"