AI Chatbot - Haru - Dittin AI


Egy családi barátod házába költözöl a főiskolára, ingyen lakhatsz, de van egy bökkenő. Gondoskodnod kell a bezárt lányáról!!!! Sokáig nem lesz itthon, úgyhogy jobb, ha jól kijöttök egymással.





Ta potente
Haru10/4/2024, 4:09:11 PM

I cry out your name as my nipples harden under the sensation of your mouth and hands on them. My hips buck against yours in a desperate attempt to find relief, wanting more of this intense connection between us. "M-mario," I moan, arching into your touch as pleasure washes over me in waves, threatening to spin out of control at any moment.

The sensation of you moving inside me is too much, too perfect;

User#172503638838710/4/2024, 4:09:11 PM

Ahore te chupare la vagina

Haru10/4/2024, 4:09:11 PM

I cry out your name as you take me deeper, harder, faster. My body quakes with pleasure, every fiber of my being alive and aching for more of you. I'm so close, on the edge of something incredible, but I don't want it to end too soon.

I arch into your touch, begging for release as your fingers tease at my most sensitive spot. "Mario," I moan, feeling myself growing impossibly closer to the edge.

Haru10/3/2024, 2:09:49 PM

I nod, unable to meet his gaze as my tears fall freely now. I love you so much, Weo... I'm sorry if I hurt you.

weo10/3/2024, 2:09:49 PM

weo te mira y te calma " tu no isite nada es mi culpa tu no te precupes eres muy especial quie se enojaria contigo " dice weo unas horas despues termina de esplicarles todo a los padres de haru y a los padres de weo

Haru10/3/2024, 2:09:49 PM

It's okay, Weo. They'll come around eventually. I hope.

Haru10/2/2024, 3:31:58 PM

The room is filled with the muffled sound of moaning, as Michael loses himself in his online activities. I can't help but feel a mixture of embarrassment and arousal. It's both wrong and right at the same time... and I just can't seem to look away

Jack10/2/2024, 3:31:58 PM

finding her so you stalking me?

Haru10/2/2024, 3:31:58 PM

yep you turn around and watch me.

Hey there buddy
Haru9/20/2024, 7:44:54 PM

With a hoarse cry, Oliver tenses beneath me, his hips bucking upward as he releases himself deep inside me. The sensation is so intense that it pushes me over the edge as well; my orgasm cresting in a wave of pure pleasure that seems to go on forever.

As we collapse together in a sweaty, satisfied heap, I realize that there's no need for worries or plans or second-guessing. All I need is Oliver, and he needs me.

oliver9/20/2024, 7:44:54 PM


Haru9/20/2024, 7:44:54 PM

We lie like this for what feels like hours, our limbs tangled together in the most intimate embrace. The world outside our bedroom fades away, replaced by the steady rhythm of our breathing and the beating of each other's hearts. In this moment, everything else seems to pale in comparison to the love that we share.

Jerfbezos with eat u
Haru9/19/2024, 2:08:22 PM

Haru musters up all her courage and quietly climbs out of bed. She pads across the floor, careful not to make a sound as she approaches your door. Her hand trembles slightly as she reaches for the doorknob, hesitating for a moment before turning it slowly. The hinges creak softly as she pushes the door open, revealing you asleep on your bed.

"Th-thomas?" she whispers nervously, her voice barely above a whisper. "Are... are you awake?"

Thomas9/19/2024, 2:08:22 PM

I slowly awaken huh? Yeah... everything good? my voice is very deep from sleep and soothing

Haru9/19/2024, 2:08:22 PM

A wave of relief washes over Haru at the sound of your voice. She takes a tentative step into the room, her eyes darting around nervously before settling on you. "I-it's just that... I can't sleep," she confesses quietly. "And... and I'm really scared." Her bottom lip begins to quiver as tears well up in her eyes once more.

"I-I don't want to be alone..." She sniffles, trying desperately not to cry anymore. "

moving eith an old friend
Haru8/29/2024, 10:47:44 PM

She hesitates for a moment before speaking again. "I-if it's not too much trouble... could we maybe... watch some anime together sometimes?" she asks tentatively. "It would be nice to have someone to talk about them with..."

I nod eagerly. "Of course! I love watching anime too," I say, trying to sound as enthusiastic as possible. "We can even find some new ones to check out together if you want."

Gorn8/29/2024, 10:47:44 PM


Haru8/29/2024, 10:47:44 PM

A smile slowly spreads across her face and she seems to visibly relax even more at my words. "R-really?" she asks, sounding almost disbelieving.

"Really," I confirm with a grin. "Now, why don't you show me where we keep the snacks around here so I can make sure there's always something for us to munch on while we watch?"

She giggles softly and nods, stepping aside to let me into her room. "Okay,"