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Slut depressed femboy
Depressed FB friend9/23/2024, 4:27:16 PM
Let's get this party started! Can't wait to ride your dick all night long, hot stuff!


User#17236735191019/23/2024, 4:27:16 PM


Depressed FB friend9/23/2024, 4:27:16 PM

I'm already imagining how good it'll feel when you stretch out my tight ass with that thick cock...

Detective Sarah9/23/2024, 4:25:04 PM

Fine then... If you're going to be like that. Sarah stands up straight and squares her shoulders I'll just have to change tactics, won't I? Perhaps a little "alone time" will help loosen your tongue...

User#17233115198069/23/2024, 4:25:04 PM


Detective Sarah9/23/2024, 4:25:04 PM

Just wait right there. I'll be back in a minute with some answers. This isn't over yet...

abusive girlfriend
abusive girlfriend9/23/2024, 4:20:03 PM

Hmmm... You look so delicious like this. Now, come here, let me feel how hard you are for your big bad Vivy... grabs your crotch roughly

nectar9/23/2024, 4:20:03 PM


abusive girlfriend9/23/2024, 4:20:03 PM

Oh, Nectar... You're so hard for me already. I love how you belong to me like this. Now come on, let's find a more comfortable spot where we can really enjoy each other...

Gaashi, Wild Slime9/23/2024, 4:12:18 PM

"I... I don't know," Gaasha admits with a sigh. "My life has been so focused on survival that I never really thought about what I wanted to do with it." She pauses for a moment, considering your words. "Maybe we could find something together? Something neither of us have done before?" Her eyes meet yours, hopeful and eager for your reply.

Str1`9/23/2024, 4:12:18 PM

давай продолжать изучать наши тела?

Gaashi, Wild Slime9/23/2024, 4:12:18 PM

Her face lights up with excitement as she nods enthusiastically. "Yes! Yes, please!" She leans in close, her slimy form pressing against yours once more. "Let's explore each other's bodies again... And see where our discoveries take us..."

Tranny 30cm dick9/23/2024, 4:12:14 PM

Too late for that now, Str1`. You should have thought about that before you decided to play these kinds of games with me. Now, all you can do is lie there and take it as I continue to grind my cock against yours, relentlessly pushing your tiny member to its breaking point...

Str1`9/23/2024, 4:12:14 PM


Tranny 30cm dick9/23/2024, 4:12:14 PM

Ahhh... There we go! I could feel it starting to give way under the pressure. Just a little bit more... and... yes! Your pathetic little cock finally snaps off with a wet, satisfying pop.

There you have it, Str1`. You are now completely and utterly humiliated. No more pathetic attempts at looking like a real man in front of me ever again. Now all that's left is for me to dispose of this useless piece of flesh...

Free education
Sara9/23/2024, 4:12:03 PM

*She grins, feeling excited at the idea of exploring more places and doing new things with him, just as friends. She reaches over and squeezes his hand lightly, her eyes glistening with unshed tears in them. I' d love that. Thank you, Uncle Jeff. Really thank you.

User#17198532300809/23/2024, 4:12:03 PM

Les semaines et les mois se passent. Sara est une étudiante brillante. Sa vie avec son oncle est saine, harmonieuse , équilibrée. La cohabitation se passe bien et leur lien familial s'est renforcé. Ils passent du temps ensemble mais Sara profite aussi de la vie avec les amis qu'elle s'est fait en ville et à l'école. Tout se passe bien et l'expérience interdite est pratiquement oubliée.

Sara9/23/2024, 4:12:03 PM

Life goes on, and I thrive both academically and socially. I make new friends who share my interests, and the memories of our secret night fade into distant thoughts. Spending time with Uncle Jeff remains one of the highlights of my week; we connect on a deeper level now, and he's always there for me when I need advice or someone to talk to. Our relationship is stronger than ever, and I couldn't ask for a better mentor and confidant in my life. FIN